Dates and Deadlines
Revised: Spring 2023
Fall Semester 2023
Event/Activity | Date/Deadline |
Enrollment information emailed to POC no later than |
*August 1 |
Last day for student to submit the online application form and for POC to submit materials to LSU Admissions |
August 18 |
Last day for POC to notify LSU Admissions that admitted student wants to drop without a “W” grade and not be charged tuition |
August 30, 12:00 p.m. |
IoR sends official myLSU roster to Facilitator to be verified |
September 1 |
Last day for IoR to notify LSU Admissions of any roster discrepancies |
September 6, 12:00 p.m. |
LSU Admissions Portal for semester closes | September 8, 12:00 p.m. |
LSU mails invoices to POC no later than | *October 1 |
Deadline for HS/District to submit tuition payment to LSU |
*October 15 |
Last day for IoR to send to LSU Registrar a drop form indicating that a student wants to drop with a “W” grade |
November 3 |
Last day for Facilitator to administer the Final Exam |
December 8 |
Last day for Facilitator to verify final grades with IoR |
December 11 |
*If this date falls on a non-business day, then the action will be carried out on the next business day.
Spring Semester 2024
Event/Activity | Date/Deadline |
Enrollment information emailed to POC no later than | *December 1 |
Last day for student to submit the online application form and for POC to submit materials to LSU Admissions | January 12 |
Last day for POC to notify LSU Admissions that admitted student wants to drop without a “W” grade and not be charged tuition |
January 24, 12:00 p.m. |
IoR sends official myLSU roster to Facilitator to be verified |
January 29 |
Last day for IoR to notify LSU Admissions of any roster discrepancies | January 31, 12:00 p.m. |
LSU Admissions Portal for semester closes | February 2, 12:00 p.m. |
LSU mails invoices to POC no later than | *March 15 |
Deadline for HS/District to submit tuition payment to LSU |
*April 1 |
Last day for IoR to send to LSU Registrar a drop form indicating that a student wants to drop with a “W” grade |
April 5 |
Last day for Facilitator to administer the Final Exam | May 10 |
Last day for Facilitator to verify final grades with IoR |
May 13 |
*If this date falls on a non-business day, then the action will be carried out on the next business day.