

Name Title Specialization Phone Email
Michael Stout Professor, Department Head  Host-Plant Resistance, Forage Crops, IPM 225-578-1837 [email protected]
Aaron Ashbrook Assistant Professor Arthropod Pests of Urban;
Peri-Urban Entomology
269-369-8436 [email protected]
Stephen Baca  Assistant Professor & Director of the LA State Arthropod Museum Systematics of water beetles 225-578-0425 [email protected]
Christopher E. Carlton  Emeritus Professor  Diagnostic Services, Curatorial Support  225-578-0425 [email protected]
Morgan Christman  Assistant Professor  Pollinator Ecologist    [email protected]
Jeffrey Davis Austin C. Thompson Distinguished Endowed Professor in Entomology Soybean IPM 225-572258-5618 [email protected]
Rodrigo Diaz Associate Professor Invasive Species Ecology 225-578-1835 [email protected]
Honglin Feng  Assistant Professor  Insect Physiology & Symbiosis 225-578-1832 [email protected]
Lane Foil Pennington Chair for Wildlife Epidemiology Veterinary Insects 225-578-1825 [email protected]
Ivan Grijalva  Assistant Professor  Precision Pest Management & Advanced Analytics 225-578-1663 [email protected]
Abner M. Hammond, Jr.  Emeritus Professor  Chemical Ecology  225-578-1828 [email protected]
Kristen Healy Associate Professor Medical Entomology; Public Health Entomology 225-578-7836 [email protected]
Gregg Henderson  Emeritus Professor  Urban Entomology/Formosan Subterranean Termite 225-578-1831 [email protected]
Fangneng Huang L.D. Newsom Professor of IPM Grain Crop Pest Management 225-578-0111 [email protected]
Claudia Husseneder Paul K. Adams Professor of Urban Entomology Population Genetics; Molecular Biology of Insects and Symbionts 225-578-1819 [email protected]
Seth J. Johnson  Emeritus Professor Biological Control and Moth Migration  225-578-1826 [email protected]
Todd Johnson Assistant Professor  Forest Entomology N/A [email protected]
Billy R. Leonard  Emeritus Professor  Pest Management  225-578-1634 [email protected]
James Ottea John Benjamin Holton Alumni Professor Insecticide Toxicology 225-578-1841 [email protected]
Gadi Reddy  WAE -  Gratis  Chemical Ecology and Pest Management  225-578-1634 [email protected]
Timothy D. Schowalter  Emeritus Professor  Forest and Insect Ecology; Bark Beetles  225-578-1827 [email protected]
Qian "Karen" Sun Associate Professor Urban Entomology 225-578-1831 [email protected]
James Villegas Assistant Professor Field Crops IPM 225-578-1634 [email protected]
Blake Wilson Associate Professor Sugarcane and Rice Entomology  985-373-6193 [email protected]


Research Associates & Post Docs


Name Title  Specialization PI Email
Victoria Bayless  Research Associate  Curator, LA State Arthropod Museum Stephen Baca  [email protected]
Dinesh Erram  Post Doc  Ecology, Surveillance, and  Control of Arthropods/Vector-Borne Diseases Affecting Human and Animal Health Lane Foil  [email protected]
Christine Gambino
Extension Associate 


Plant Insect Interactions 

Michael Stout & 

Blake Wilson 

[email protected]
Logan Herbert Research Associate  Biological Control  Rodrigo Diaz  [email protected]
Tanner LaGrange  Research Associate  IPM of rice  Blake Wilson  [email protected]
Flaminia Mariani Post Doc  Biological control of aquatic invasive plants Rodrigo Diaz  [email protected]
Mark Murray Research Associate  IPM of Soybean and Sweet Potato Jeff Davis  [email protected]
Tyler Ray T. Musgrove  Research Associate  Soybean IPM  Blake Wilson  [email protected]
Sara Navarro Research Associate  Sweet Potato IPM Jeff Davis  [email protected]
Berenice Romero  Post Doc  Sweet Potato IPM  Jeff Davis  [email protected]
Dane D. Shackelford Research Associate  Giant Salvinia  Rodrigo Diaz  [email protected]
Tiago Silva  Research Associate  Soybean IPM  Fangneng Huang  [email protected]
Josh Snook  Research Associate  Invasive Insect Management for Coastal Restoration Rodrigo Diaz  [email protected]
Yangzhou Wang  Post Doc Urban Entomology  Karen Sun  [email protected]
Carlos Wiggins  Research Associate  Biological Control  Blake Wilson  [email protected]