John Andrew "Andy" NymanDr. Andy Nyman

Professor and F. O. Bateman Distinguished Professorship

Wetland Wildlife Ecology

Room 327 RNR Bldg
phone: (225) 578-4220
email:  [email protected]

317 RNR Bldg

Nyman Lab website

Research Overview

My most cited papers address the response of coastal marshes to sea-level rise or oil spills; my more recent papers address wetland management, waterbirds, and wetland vegetation. 

Courses Taught

  • RNR 3108 - CASE STUDIES IN HABITAT RESTORATION (2, Fall):  Principles related to the context, planning, design, and implementation of habitat restoration and mitigation; evaluation of habitat restoration efforts using the case studies method.
  • RNR 4051 - WILDLIFE HABITAT MANAGEMENT (3): Principles of managing landscapes to benefit a diversity of wildlife species, as well as specific management strategies to benefit single species; management scenarios for a variety of forested, open and urban habitats will be discussed.
  • RNR 4101 - INTEGRATED NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (4). (co-instructor) Development of problem solving skills for the management of renewable natural resources; application and integration of renewable natural resource management theory, policy and practices; analyses of management and policy decisions.
  • RNR 7017 - RESTORATION AND MANAGEMENT OF WETLAND FUNCTIONS (4) Fall-E 2 hrs. lecture, 4 hrs. lab. Two weekend field trips; one five-day field trip. Transportation Fee. Wetland ecology with a focus on functions valued by society; natural history of commonly managed wetland types; fundamentals of restoration ecology; wetland restoration programs in theory and in practice. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course.

Five Most Recent Publications

    • Enwright, N.M., W.C. Cheney, K.O. Evans, H.R. Thurman, M.S. Woodrey, A.M.V. Fournier, J.A. Moon, H.E. Levy, J.A. Cox, P.J. Kappes, J.A. Nyman, and J.L. Pitchford.  2023.  Mapping high marsh and salt pannes/flats along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast.  Geocarto International 38:1.  
    • Lee, H., R. Diaz, J. Johnston, I.A. Knight, J.A. Nyman, and J.T. Cronin. 2023. Vegetation restoration following dieback of Phragmites australis in the Mississippi River Delta, USA. Wetlands 43:98. DOI:
    • Kross, C.S., R.V. Rohli, J.A. Moon, A.M.V. Fournier, M.S. Woodrey and J.A. Nyman.  2023.  Preferred atmospheric circulations associated with favorable prescribed burns in the Gulf of Mexico coast, U.S.A.  Fire Ecology 19:7.
    • Taylor, C.B., J.A. Nyman, and M.K. La Peyre.  2022.  Nekton community dynamics within active and inactive deltas in a major river estuary: potential implications for altered hydrology regimes.  Aquatic Biology 31:1-18. 
    • Nyman, J.A.  2022.  An Overview of the History and Breadth of Wetland Management. Pages 73-100 In K. Krauss, Z. Zhu, and C. Stagg (editors).  Wetland Carbon and Environmental Management.  American Geophysical Union.  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0551-7_6  

Five Most Cited Publications:

    • Nyman, J.A., R.J. Walters, R.D. DeLaune, and W.H. Patrick, Jr. 2006. Marsh vertical accretion via vegetative growth. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 69:370-380. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2006.05.041
    • Pezeshki, S.R., M.W. Hester, Q. Lin, and J.A. Nyman. 2000. The effects of oil spill and clean-up on dominant US Gulf Coast marsh macrophytes: a review. Environmental Pollution 108:129-139.
    • DeLaune, R.D., J.A. Nyman, and W.H. Patrick, Jr. 1994. Peat collapse, ponding, and wetland loss in a rapidly submerging coastal marsh. Journal of Coastal Research 10:1021-1030.
    • Nyman, J.A., R.D. DeLaune, H.H. Roberts, and W.H. Patrick, Jr. 1993. Relationship between vegetation and soil formation in a rapidly submerging coastal marsh. Marine Ecology Progress Series 96:269-279.
    • Nyman, J.A., R.D. DeLaune, and W.H. Patrick, Jr. 1990. Wetland soil formation in the rapidly subsiding Mississippi River Deltaic Plain: mineral and organic matter relationships. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 31:57-69.