Pictured above, from left to right, Robert Twilley, Susanne Brenner, Graça Vicente,
Kenneth Schafer, Willis Delony, and Roy Haggerty at the reception honoring LSU's newest
Boyd Professor, Dr. Schafer. A reception was held in Dr. Schafer's honor on November

Dear Colleagues,
As we wrap up another calendar year of academic achievement at LSU, I want to talk
about celebrating the remarkable accomplishments of our faculty. This month's newsletter
is dedicated to highlighting the significance of faculty awards, both within and beyond
LSU, and the many opportunities that lie ahead.
Awards are tributes to the dedication, innovation, and successful pursuit of knowledge
that define the LSU academy. They bring honor to LSU, elevating our university's profile
on a national and international scale. The recognition garnered through such awards
can have a profound impact, potentially resulting in higher rankings for LSU. This,
in turn, can create opportunity for increased resources and enhance our ability to
attract the best talent to our institution.
I encourage each of you to play a pro-active role in celebrating your colleagues'
achievements by nominating them for awards, both within and outside LSU. Here are
a few upcoming award opportunities and their respective details:
- American Academy Association of Arts & Sciences: Membership is the key to nomination, and members are announced in April. Work with
colleagues who are current members to nominate an LSU faculty member.
- American Association for the Advancement of Science: Nominations for this distinguished award are due by April 25th for scholars who
have been members for at least four years. Also, please ensure your membership remains
up-to-date to be eligible in the future.
- Don't forget to explore award opportunities provided by your respective professional
societies. These organizations often offer unique chances to celebrate excellence
in your field.
Recognizing that our department chairs are tirelessly dedicated to their roles, we
are committed to providing them with tools to identify faculty members who are strong
candidates for external awards in the coming year. Their hard work is deeply appreciated,
and we want to ease their responsibilities as much as possible. Consider taking the
initiative to apply for prestigious fellowships yourself. Programs like the Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering, the Getty Scholars Program, the MacArthur Fellows, and the Sloan Research Fellowships are just some of the opportunities that require you to apply. Many of you possess
the qualifications and potential to succeed in these programs.
LSU is proud to offer various awards that recognize outstanding faculty contributions
through the University Faculty Awards program. We are pleased to announce that, thanks to the generous support from the
LSU Foundation and the LSU Alumni Association, award amounts have recently increased.
In addition, an award to recognize faculty with a distinguished record of teaching
and mentoring students in the Ogden Honors College is now available. Nominations are
due to the Office of Academic Affairs by February 16, 2024.
Lastly, I would like to outline the nomination and award process for the prestigious
Boyd Professorship. The Boyd Professorship is the most distinguished and highest professorial rank awarded
by the University. It is a system-level rank that recognizes faculty members who have
achieved national or international distinction for outstanding teaching, research,
or creative achievement. You can find detailed information about the nomination process
in Permanent Memorandum 74. Nominations are welcome from all disciplines, and the process is conducted confidentially.
Let us collectively celebrate the excellence that defines LSU and continue to strive
for even greater heights. Your dedication is the driving force behind our university's
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season filled with joy and relaxation.
Roy Haggerty Executive Vice President & Provost

Troy Blanchard, Dean of the College of Humanities & Social Sciences, discusses how
his research aligns with LSU's Scholarship First Agenda. The LSU College of Humanities
& Social Sciences, along with researchers from across campus and the system, are critical
to making the discoveries, developing the solutions, and educating our students to
ensure a robust, resilient and productive future for the State of Louisiana.
Read more about Dean Troy Blanchard

Nominations for the University Faculty Awards are due no later than February 16, 2024. This is an extension from the prior due date of January 26, 2024. Please note that each college may have its own internal deadline for receiving nominations
prior to this date.
New Award Available
A new award is now available for the University Faculty Awards, the Ogden Honors College Outstanding Teaching Award. The Ogden Honors College Outstanding Teaching Award recognizes faculty with a distinguished
record of teaching and mentoring students in the Ogden Honors College. Any full-time
faculty member who has taught at least one Honors course in the past two academic
years is eligible. A cash award of $2,000 will be awarded to one recipient per year.
Learn more about the University Faculty Awards

2024 Faculty Colloquium
Please join us for the 2024 Faculty Colloquium where keynote speaker Michelle Miller
will present on "Designing for Learning and Persistence."
Date: Friday, January 12, 2024 Time: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Location: South Stadium Club, Tiger Stadium
Learn more about the Faculty Colloquium
Provost's Fund Symposium

Provost Haggerty Elected to APLU Council on Academic Affairs Executive Committee
Executive Vice President & Provost Roy Haggerty was elected to a 3-year term on the
Executive Committee of the Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities' (APLU)
Council on Academic Affairs (CAA) at the APLU Annual Meeting on Nov. 13 in Seattle, WA. The Executive Committee
leads the work of the CAA, which is composed of the chief academic officers of APLU
members. The CAA provides a forum for discussion of: trends in higher education and
the public mission; funding patterns and budget strategies; teaching and learning
innovations; faculty roles and rewards; academic programs, planning, and advising;
research and publication; and service and engagement with other sectors.
James Murphy Named Provost's Fellow for Academic Initiatives
James Murphy, Associate Professor in the School of Theatre, has been named Provost's
Fellow for Academic Initiatives. This one-year fellowship is focused on academic initiatives
related to undergraduate student success including the integrative learning core,
summer school, OER/AER resources, and the Learning & Teaching Collaborative.
Invitation to Teach Honors Courses
The Ogden Honors College is seeking proposals to teach honors courses for the fall
2024 semester. Submit a proposal today to teach exceptionally motivated and dedicated
students about a topic related to your own research. Proposals may be submitted now through Monday, Jan. 22, 2024.Please direct any questions to Drew Lamonica Arms, Associate Dean of the Ogden Honors
College, at [email protected].
Faculty Survey on Student Career Success
Help LSU students by taking a 10-minute survey on student career success administered
by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) and the Society for Experiential Education (SEE). If 15% of faculty at LSU participate, we receive a campus report. The NACE
AAC&U, and SEE will utilize findings from this research to continue to support faculty
and institutional innovation. Note: while the institutional and discipline fields are optional, please do not leave
them blank. Your input matters for LSU A&M students' future success. Take the Career Success Survey now until December 31, 2023.

Designed by: Hernan Andres Gonzalez, LSU Graphic Design Student Office
Season's greetings and warm wishes for the coming year.
Roy Haggerty Executive Vice President & Provost