Food Pantry

Serving Students

Students receive free, supplemental food when they need it so they can focus on success in academics and thriving in community on campus. 


How to Use the Food Pantry

Our 985 sq. ft. location on the first floor of the LSU Student Union provides supplemental food to students who may experience food insecurity. The pantry is open to all currently enrolled students without the need to apply or provide financial information. 

We’re excited to announce some positive changes to the food pantry. Starting Monday, June 3, we’ll transition to a different pantry setup. Instead of reserving time online and waiting while our staff and volunteers pack your box, you will enter the pantry during our open hours and make your selections.  

What does this mean for you? 

  • You will no longer need to complete the form or reserve online time
  • Arrive any time during our pantry open hours between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday
  • Upon arrival, our friendly staff or volunteers will greet you and invite you to shop the space
  • You can browse our shelves and choose from various categories like canned goods, produce, dairy, and protein when available
  • Our inventory will continue to change daily based on our deliveries
    • Whole Foods - Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
    • Trader Joe’s - Tuesday, Thursday
    • The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank – Wednesday 

We’re confident you’ll appreciate the flexibility and control this transition offers. Still, we know change can involve a few hiccups, so we ask for your patience as we transition. Our staff and volunteers will gladly assist you with questions at any time.  


Summer Hours

11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday

Fall Semester Hours

11 a.m. - 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday
11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Friday

Find us at 108 LSU Student Union



Students Served

- Weekly in 2022-23


Orders Processed 

- In 2022-23


Pounds of Food

- Distributed in 2022-23

Volunteer with the Food Pantry

Volunteers are vital to the food pantry allowing the pantry to remain open for extended periods and operate even during academic breaks. The pantry is available unless the university is closed. Please consider volunteering either as an individual or as an organization. 

Friends of the Pantry

Student organizations looking to volunteer can join the "Friends of the Pantry" program. This program offers a convenient on-campus opportunity for organizations to volunteer and earn service hours. 

In the past year, we've seen a 76% increase in service hours earned at the pantry, totaling over 2,200 hours. As a "Friend of the Pantry," your organization will adopt a week of volunteer shifts. It's a great way to get involved and make a difference! 

sign up your organization

Are you looking to sign up as an individual volunteer?

individual sign up

students volunteer in the pantry

Support the Pantry

Each week the pantry serves approximately 400 students and distributes 5300 pounds of food. In the past year the pantry processed over 21,000 pickups and distributed 261,550 pounds of food. Pantry use continues to increase and can only thrive through partnerships, community supporters, and volunteers. 

Here are some ways you can support the pantry:

  • Shop our Amazon Wish List. The list is up to date with some of the pantry's most wanted items.
  • Make a monetary donation through the LSU Foundation. Search "Food Pantry" in the fund search box.
  • LSU faculty and staff can payroll deduct a donation.
  • Donate items directly to the pantry. Please email the pantry to find out current needs before collecting items. 

Groups wanting to host a food drive should contact the pantry to receive the Food Drive Resource Packet and to register your drive. This step will ensure the pantry receives currently needed items and that shelf space is available. 

For questions, please contact the LSU Food Pantry at [email protected] or 225-578-8000.