Event Review Process
The LSU College of Human Sciences & Education offers initiatives ranging from community building and image defining events to engaging post-graduation professional and continuing educational programs. In order to ensure all initiatives are in line with President Tate's Scholarship First Agenda and the CHSE Strategic Plan, we have created this review process.
Event Review Process First Step
All initiatives should be in line with the goals/mission/vision of the unit and vetted by the unit director. This process should occur prior to Event Logistics Discovery Meetings. The Event Review Process begins with a Letter of Intent from the unit director to the Office of Communication & Engagement Services Team. A sample letter of intent is outlined below. The letter should be submitted by email to [email protected].
The Director will receive a reply email with the event review steps and a link to the event details form.
Event Review Process Next Steps
The Event Logistics Discovery Meetings include the primary contact for the event and your unit's event professional or OCES' event professional. Event Discovery Meetings are an absolutely crucial part of the event strategy. These initial meetings with the primary contact are to understand the needs of the event to streamline planning, identify gaps and how the team can fill them, and bring true value to the intended audience.
Your event professional will assist you in filling out the Event Form and creating an event budget. A sample budget may be found here.
A link to the online Event Form will be provided to your Director in the email they receive for further vetting. Once the Event Logistics Discovery Meeting has occurred, the primary contact should have all of the information required to fill out the form. The form includes:
- primary contact details
- budget
- information provided in the Letter of Intent such as audience, need, impact, and expected outcomes
- event specific details such as preferred venue, anticipated number of attendees and speakers, marketing, and CEU information
This form will be automatically routed to OCES, Finance, Associate Dean(s), Director, and Dean for approval.
OCES Team reviews the proposal for capacity, alignment with President Tate's Scholarship First Agenda. If the event meets these qualifications, it moves on to Office of Financial Services for review.
The Office of Financial Services Team reviews the proposed budget to ensure all contingencies have been considered and appropriate accounts have been created and/or listed in the budget. If the event meets these standards, it moves on to Unit Director Approval.
NOTE: If the request is a grant or externally-hosted event, the proposal will also be vetted by the Director of Sponsored Program Accounting and Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies.
The Unit Director reviews the event with all of the details fleshed out. The Director will review event logistics, budget, and acknowledges if a deficit is realized the unit is responsible to cover it before the end of the fiscal year. If the event is approved by the Unit Director, it moves on to the Dean's Approval.
The Dean will approve all events. If this final approval is given, the event may proceed to the implementation phase.
Sample Letter of Intent
Text | Rationale |
September 1, 2022 OCES Team |
Letter should be addressed to the OCES Team and emailed to [email protected]. |
The School of Social Work is proposing a professional education workshop entitled Youth Suicide Prevention: Counseling, Intervention Strategies and Safety Planning with Adolescents. The primary contact is Ellen Tadman, and the proposed delivery of the workshop is 18-24 months from submission of this request. |
Identify the person to lead & be accountable for this event. The ideal timeline for event submission is 18 - 24 months in advance to ensure strategic planning across all units, including LSU Foundation Industry Engagement can be accomplished. We recommend planning all events for the year at your unit's annual retreat or regular planning meetings. |
The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the Children’s Hospital Association jointly declared a national emergency in children’s mental health citing the serious toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on top of existing challenges. The audience is social workers, school counselors, and educators. The need is well documented. Some of the Louisiana statistics include:
Providing this workshop addresses the mental health needs of our youth, with an added benefit of keeping them in school. The priorities of the Scholarship First Agenda all require providing pathways to higher learning – keeping students in school is a critical step in addressing this need. The School of Social Work established the National Suicidology Training Center in partnership with the Baton Rouge Crisis Intervention Center in 2018. This training by local and nationally recognized experts will explore current best practices in safety planning, counseling strategies, and intervention approaches with suicidal youth. |
State the need. Use data to support the rationale. State anticipated impact. |
The expected outcomes from the training include:
State the expected outcomes. State how success will be measured. State how the proposal aligns with the unit/college/university stated goals and strategy. |
We look forward to your review of this professional development/continuing education opportunity. Sincerely,
Michelle Livermore, PhD, LMSW |
All letters of intent must be signed by the unit's director. This assures that proper vetting took place at the unit level and the initiative is in line with the goals/mission/vision of the unit prior to event logistics discovery meetings and vetting by college and university level departments. |