S. Kim MacGregor
Associate Professor in Educational Research
[email protected]
107 Peabody Hall
Bachelor's Degree: Psychology, Syracuse University, 1969
Master's Degree: Human Potential & Development, University of Massachusetts, 1972
PhD: Educational Research, North Carolina State University, 1984

MacGregor, S. K., & Esmail, H. W. (2018). Embracing student diversity: Developing intercultural competence with information and communication technology. In B. Blummer (Ed.), Promoting Ethnic Diversity and Multiculturalism in Higher Education (pp. 1-24). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Otundo, J. & MacGregor, S. K. (2019). Impact of situational interest and social support on college students' physical activity motivation: A mixed method analysis. The Physical Educator, 76(2), 502-523.
MacGregor, S. K., & Vavasseur, C. (2015). Online communities of practice: A story of principal teacher interaction in two middle schools. Journal of School Leadership, 25(4), 758-789.
Tsouloupas, C., Carson, R. & MacGregor, S. K. (2013). Development of high school teachers’ efficacy in handling student misbehavior (TEHSM). Journal of Educational Research, 107(23), 230-240.
Vavasseur, C. & MacGregor, S.K. (2010). Extending content-focused professional development through online communities of practice. Journal of Research on Technology Education, 40(4). 517-536.
Lou, Y. & MacGregor, S. K. (2005-2006). Enhancing project-based learning through online, between-group collaboration. Educational Research and Evaluation, 10 (5/6), 419-444.
MacGregor, S. K. & Lou, Y. (2004). Web-based learning: How task scaffolding and website design support knowledge acquisition. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 37(2), 161-175.
MacGregor, S. K. (1999). Hypermedia navigation profiles: Cognitive characteristics and information processing strategies. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 20(2), 189-206.
MacGregor, S. K. & Mbarika, I. (2022, April). Cultural diversity of faculty: Impact on student perceptions of online course delivery at African universities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego.
Underwood, J., MacGregor, S. K., Moreno, J. & Allegro, F. (2021, April). The evolution of computational thinking by teachers through the lens of contextualization. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Virtual.
MacGregor, S. K. (June 24, 2019, rec). Keynote Address. ICT and the globalization of post-secondary education. International Conference: Governance, Entrepreneurship & Information, Communication & Technology for Africa, Makerere University of Business, Kampala, Uganda.
MacGregor, S. K. & Mbarika, I. (2019, April). Cross-cultural project-based collaboration: A comparison of communication patterns between African and U.S. students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto.
MacGregor, S. K. & Mbarika, V. (2018, April). Preparing leaders for education and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Use and impact of ICT. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City.
MacGregor, S. K., Madden, J. & Archer, L. (2017, April). Implementing action research: Development of an inquiry-based community of practice for secondary science teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
MacGregor, S. K., Sikali, A., Mbarika, V. (2017, April). Leveraging information and communication technologies to facilitate the development of education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
MacGregor, S. K., Esmail, H., & Dettinger, M. (2017, March). Facilitating cross-cultural interactions in Higher Education: An ICT based approach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative International Education Society, Atlanta, GA.
Title of Grant: Internet Courses to Prepare School Principals: An inter-university collaboration focused on the design, development, implementation, and research on the effectiveness of distance education courses.
- Funder: Louisiana Board of Regents
- Grant amount: $165,000
- Role: Co-PI
- Time of Service: 2001-2002
Title of Grant: EDNET: Educational Network for Tomorrow’s Schools.
- Funder: Louisiana Educational Quality Support Fund
- Grant amount: $601,580
- Role: Co-PI
- Time of Service: 1989-1991
Title: CATS: Computer-Assisted Thinking Skills Instruction for At-Risk Middle School Students
- Funder: IBM
- Grant amount: $100,000
- Role: PI
- Time of Service: 1989-1991
Lifetime Achievement Award, Information, Communication & Technology University (2016).
Outstanding Contribution to Service-Learning Research, Gulf South Summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement in Higher Education (2008).
TIAA-CREF Service-Learning Fellow Award, Louisiana State University (2006-2007).
Peter A. Soderbergh Award for Outstanding Research Presentation (April 2002). Transactional leadership in a virtual learning environment: Progress toward teaching teachers to become administrators via distance education. Presentation at the Annual Showcase Conference: The Fifth Annual Forum: Teaching in Higher Education, Louisiana State University.
Outstanding Contributions to Technology in Education by a professor in Higher Education (1996). Louisiana Association of Computer Using Educators
Student Government Award for Outstanding Teaching (1992), Louisiana State University
Editorial Board, Journal of Research Technology & Education