Missy M. Korduner, PhD

Assistant Professor of Professional Practice
School of Leadership & Human Resource Development


111K George Peabody Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

(225) 578-7065
[email protected]


Doctorate of Philosophy
Human Resource Education
Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; 2013

Master of Education
Higher Education and Student Affairs
University of Connecticut; Storrs, Connecticut; 2002

Bachelor of Arts
University of Connecticut; Storrs, Connecticut; 2001

Missy Korduner, PhD


In addition to her faculty role, Dr. Missy Korduner serves as the MS Graduate Programs Coordinator and Academic Advisor in the LSU School of Leadership and Human Resource Development. She also serves as a Leadership Development Coach and Curriculum Developer for the LSU Leadership Development Institute.

Before joining the SLHRD faculty in May of 2019, she served in a variety of capacities within higher education since 2003 including residential life, honors student programming, and first year experience. Her areas of expertise include: program planning and implementation; student leader training and development; leadership development; academic advising; and extended orientation and transition programs. She has presented at several conferences on academic advising, online student communities, and extended orientation programs and their impact on the student experience from program development and implementation to retention, student satisfaction and student leadership. In addition, she has published on the development of extended orientation programs in the Journal of College Orientation and Transition.

Dr. Korduner is an active member of the Association for Talent Development (ATD), both locally and nationally.  Nationally, she currently serves as the Co-Chair of the Chapter Recognition Committee (CRC) and previously served three years on the ATD Chapter Leaders’ Conference (ALC) Program Advisory Committee. Locally, she has served the ATD - Baton Rouge Chapter in a variety of Board positions, including President and as a member of various committees including the Annual Conference Committee, Scholarship Review Committee, and Nominating Committee. In addition, she currently serves as the Past President (2025) for LACADA, the Louisiana Academic Advising Association and has been an integral piece of revitalizing the association over the last few years.  She is also an active member of the Junior League of Baton Rouge and Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women.

Dr. Korduner has received numerous recognition awards throughout her career.  Most recent awards include the LSU CHSE Engagement Award (2024), the H.B. “Hub” Cotton Award for Faculty Excellence (2024), LSU CHSE Outstanding Service Award (2022), the NACADA Region 7 Excellence in Advising (2022), and the NACADA Outstanding New Faculty Advisor Award (2021).

Dr. Korduner currently serves as a Faculty Fellow for Student Success with the Pinkie Gordon Lane Graduate School, is a Gallup-Certified CliftonStrengths Coach, and holds a PhD in Human Resource Education from LSU.