Dr Lyman Hunt

Lyman  Hunt

Senior Instructor

PhD: Louisiana State University
Phone: (225) 578-5989
E-mail: [email protected]
Office: 109A Prescott Hall 

Curriculum Vita

I continue to explore my interest in the taxonomy of conservative rhetoric with a particular focus on the fatalist/individualist paradox that animates economic conservative discourse. I am currently preparing a paper on the subject that can be a stand alone publication and serve as an extension of the dissertation, which I hope to develop into a book.

Taxonomy of conservative rhetoric

Fatalist/Individualist paradox

Economic conservative discourse

CMST 2060: Public Speaking
CMST 2862: Honors Public Address
CMST 3167: Rhetoric and Civilization
CMST 3168: Rhetoric of Propaganda
CMST 3169: Rhetoric of Social Movements
CMST 3300: Rhetorical Criticism
CMST 4100: Political Communication
CMST 4166: Contemporary Rhetorical Theory