Project Initiation Form
The Project Initiation Form should be utilized when departments are in need of purchasing furniture, fixtures and equipment and when any type of construction or renovation project is needed.
To enhance oversight and data collection on design, construction, and FF&E expenditures, optimize resource allocation within LSU's Facility, Property & Oversight department, and align with the University's strategic goals and fiduciary duties, all Project Initiation Forms shall be reviewed and approved by the Dean or Department Head or Comptroller, Business or Cost Center Manager, Executive Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer, as well as the and Provost, where applicable.
Please note that a new Project Initiation request process has been implemented. We hope that by utilizing Box, thereby automating much of the process, it will be easier and faster.
The following links will take you straight into the automated process. Please review the tutorial linked in the box to the right. There are a few parts of this process that are not intuitive but the tutorial’s screenshots and simple direction are easy to follow.
The tutorial also contains email addresses you will need and can copy for your convenience. Double check your email addresses as they will not auto-populate. These same emails addresses are listed in the box to the right also for your convenience.
If you work within an Academic Department, the Provost’s approval is required along with the AVP's approval.
Project Initation Form - Academic
If your department does not report through the Provost’s office (e.g. Athletics and Auxiliaries), only the AVP's signature is required.
Project Initiation Form - Non-Academic
If your approvers are new to this process, please email this link to the tutorial and refer them to pages 9-12.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]