Vector Online Health Courses
Required courses for alcohol abuse and sexual assault prevention.
LSU requires all first-time students under the age of 22 to complete the online Vector Solutions Primary Prevention Education Modules prior to the first day of classes.
How to Access Vector
You will receive an email with details to complete the courses after you attend a Bengal Bound Orientation session. You will be pre-registered to complete the courses and can use your myLSU ID and password to log in.

If you have additional questions about this program, or if you need an accommodation for a disability, please contact the Office of Wellness and Health Promotion by email at [email protected].
Required Courses & Scoring
Before the first day of classes, you must complete the AlcoholEdu for College and Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates courses. You must complete both modules and pass the post-test with a score of 83% or higher to meet the requirement.
We take your confidentiality seriously. All student responses, including from students
under the legal drinking age, will be kept anonymous and will not be associated with
your name.
What happens if I don’t complete it?
Students should complete the modules prior to the first day of classes. If you do not complete the requirement, a hold will be placed on your account. While you will still be able to pay your fee bill and your classes will not be purged, you will not be able to add or drop classes from your schedule for the next semester. You will have to complete the Primary Prevention Suite to lift the hold to modify your schedule.
Why does LSU require primary prevention education?
The first few months of college for new students is a critical timeframe to ensure you are successful. This is also a very high-risk time of year for alcohol misuse and sexual violence, particularly for new students who are navigating a new environment with new people and new experiences.
Nationally, many first-year students find themselves in trouble for alcohol or drug related offenses, some resulting in serious injuries or fatalities. Further, first-year students experience some form of sexual violence at higher rates within the first few months of the academic year.
These issues are preventable, and campus-wide prevention education is essential to empowering all community members to do their part to create a safe and healthy college experience.
With prevention education, we can decrease these national statistics:
25% of students nationwide
report academic consequences from drinking each year 1
13% of students nationwide
experience sexual assault 21 Vector Solutions 2 Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, RAINN
New Student Information
Required steps for new students
We've gathered info on three necessary steps for you to complete before the start of classes. Review details regarding immunizations, online education and health insurance today.