Distinguished Communicators FAQ
Have a question? CxC is here to help! Check out the frequently asked questions below to see if we already have the answer, and if not, reach out to your CxC Rep to learn more.
No, you can be a sophomore or junior. You can apply as long as you have not completed more than 80 hours of course work. If you have more than 80 hours, you must have at least 3 or more semesters remaining before you graduate.
If you have less than 3 semesters remaining, you aren't eligible for the Distinguished Communicator program but you might still be eligible for the LSU Communicator Certificate.
Yes! The Distinguished Communicator program is open to undergraduates in ALL majors at LSU. Good communication skills are important no matter which field you are studying or what job you plan to pursue post-graduation.
We look for a current and overall GPA of 3.0 or higher; however, since GPA isn’t always representative of your full potential to become a strong communicator, we do accept students with lower GPAs. In the application we ask everyone for two of their strongest communication samples, so be sure to include your best work.
Once we receive your application, you will get an email with a link to a Moodle Orientation. This should be completed within a few weeks of receiving the email to be accepted into the program.
Your CxC representative is assigned to you depending on your major to help guide you through each step in the program.
A Faculty Advisor is an individual you select, who advises you as it relates to your career path and/or field of study. Your Faculty Advisor should be someone who specializes in the field you are interested in pursuing after graduation, and is someone with whom you will work well and who is committed to helping you complete this program.
No, all LSU professors are eligible to serve as Faculty Advisors to Distinguished Communicator candidates; however, you must make sure the faculty member you select is willing to assist you through the process. You must complete a Student-Faculty Advisor contract and submit it to the CxC office no later than 4 semesters prior to your graduation.
Because the Distinguished Communicator program focuses on mastering discipline-specific communication skills, you should select a Faculty Advisor who specializes in the field you are interested in pursuing after graduation. For example, if you want to be an engineer when you graduate, your Faculty Advisor should be well versed in engineering. You also want to find someone with whom you will work well and who is committed to helping you complete this program.
CxC has several programs in place to orient Faculty Advisors. Once you submit your Student-Faculty Advisor contract, CxC will invite your Advisor to a DC Advisor Program Overview Meeting. If your selected Advisor has questions before signing your contract, you can direct the to contact CxC via the general email ([email protected]) or the CxC Representative affiliated with their college to discuss the program’s requirements.
No, most students are able to find courses that are required courses in their degree programs and certified as Communication-Intensive (C-I). Find a listing of all C-I courses here. Also, when you’re browsing myLSU Course Offerings, C-I courses will be denoted as such.
If you cannot find enough C-I courses within your planned course path, there are opportunities for you to do Independent C-I Course Contracts. You can do Independent C-I Course Contracts on any course, as long as the instructor is willing to work with you. Sometimes, you are doing communication-intensive work within the class, but for one reason or another, the class is not certified. Other times, by simply doing an additional project in the course, you can make it C-I. Either way, you can use C-I Contracts to earn needed credits.
Keep track of your progress using this personal tracking document. In addition to completing your regular check-ins with your CxC Representative and Faculty Advisor, as well as attending an eportfolio workshop, you will submit your Public Portfolio Draft to CxC the semester before you graduate for an assessment. After receiving feedback, you will make final edits to your portfolio, turn in the final version of your portfolio, and turn in your Dear Reviewer letter early in your final semester. Also due no later than your final semester is your LSU Communicator Certificate Reflection.
This is a progressive program meant for you hold control over your own progress. You should meet a variety of milestones regularly to stay on track. There are deadlines for various components your last four semesters. Refer to the Personal Tracking Form for more info.
You should meet with your Faculty Advisor at least once a semester to make sure you are on the path to completing the program. Additionally, reach out to your CxC Representative at least one per year to attend a housekeeping meeting and check in about your progress in the program.