Paul C. Young Award
The Psychology Department gives this award annually to honor the most outstanding senior in psychology. The winner will be announced during the Psi Chi Induction ceremony in the in the spring semester of each year.
- Anyone who graduated in Fall of 2024 or will graduate Spring or Summer of 2025
- Must have a cumulative 3.50 or better overall GPA
- Must have a 3.50 or better GPA in psychology courses
Any psychology major (B.A. or B.S.) meeting the eligibility requirement should submit the following information in a single pdf file to Dr. Chris Cox ([email protected]) by 5:00PM, March 28th, 2025.
- Current, unofficial copy of LSU transcript.
- Personal statement of no more than two double-spaced pages that describes honors, research experience, and career goals.
- A résumé or curriculum vitae, including contact information.
The recipient’s name will be placed on a plaque in Audubon Hall. Additionally, the winner will receive a certificate of recognition and a $100 award.
2023-2024: Will Decker
2022-2023: Evan Threeton
2021-2022: Tiffany Huynh
2020-2021: Mia Goodson
2018-2019: Raleigh Goodwin
2017-2018: Rainey Landry
2016-2017: Bryanna Fields
2015-2016: Lauren Meaux
2014-2015: Paige Heurtin
2013-2014: Margaret Hindman
2012 -2013: Anthony Correro
2011-2012: Jennifer Maul
2010-2011: Lindsay Benitez
2009-2010: Charlotte Gates
2008-2009: Suzette Tassin
2007-2008: Emily Smitherman
2005-2006: John L. Holmes
2005-2006: Katie M. Barrilleaux
2004-2005: Erin M. Jackson
2002-2003: Ashley A. Gray
2001-2002: Jill R. Bordelon
2000-2001: Melissa Luke
1999-2000: Dana C. Perantie
1998-1999: Lahna Rung
1997-1998: Jessica DeCuir
1996-1997: Susan Parault