Purchasing Agent Certification
The Purchasing Agent Certification program is for professional and administrative staff within the department who are primarily responsible for the regular day-to-day procurement activities, transactions and solicitation of quotes within their department. These individuals have attended the required training courses in order to demonstrate the necessary skills and evaluation methods needed to successfully implement improved purchasing practices as part of the LSU Procurement objectives and the mission of LSU. Delegates are granted an increased purchasing authority to handle the demands of their unit.
Benefits of Certification
LSU Procurement recognizes the growing complexity and heavy demands of procurement operations. Deans, Directors and Department Heads need the assurance that their purchasing agents and buyers are adequately trained, reliable, and dedicated to their professions by being aware of the best practices and up to date on all policies and procedures applicable to the institution.
As the campus professional and administrative staff changes and grows we realize that training must be on-going and advance with the industry of the business world. The Purchasing Agent Certification provides administration a higher degree of confidence in the ability and integrity of the people who have been selected to do the job.
Purchasing Authority Levels
Delegate must select one of the levels below.
Authority Level | Authority |
Level 1 | Ability to purchase goods and services less than or equal to $10,000 on a LaCarte card. |
Level 2 | Ability to purchase goods and services less than or equal to $10,000 on a LaCarte
card. Ability to solicit quotes for goods and services less than or equal to $25,000. |
Level 2-SOL | Ability to solicit quotes for goods and services less than or equal to $25,000. Individual has no LaCarte authority. |
Requirements for the Purchasing Agent Certification Program
New Applicants
Applicants should be in department level procurement related role for a minimum of six (6) months.
Applicants must be recommended for certification by their Dean, Department Head or Director via the submission of the Certification Request Form to LSU Procurement.
Applicant must attend the Procurement Institute Training Session and the sessions listed below:
- Specs & More Specs
- Department Solicitations (Required if Level 2 Delegation Requested)
Note: Individual must physically attend & stay the duration of the session to receive credit.
- Once all sessions are taken, applicant must complete and submit the Purchasing Agent Certification Transcript to LSU Procurement.
- Applicant must score at least 85% on the "Purchasing Agent Certification Exam." Instruction on how to access the test will be sent to the individual after the transcript is verified. Individual must generate the certificate of completion after passing the test which notifies Procurement of applicant's passing.
- Upon completion of the above requirements, applicant will receive the Delegate Memorandum of Understanding via email to be completed and submitted for approval to finalize delegation. Individual is not officially delegated until the fully executed MOU is returned to them via email.
To Maintain Delegation
- Delegate must renew certification within 12 months of their MOU approval date and
annually thereafter by obtaining a minimum of 5 credits at any of the events listed
Note: Individual must physically attend & stay the duration of training sessions and meetings to receive credit.
- Procurement Quarterly Roundtable Meetings (1 credit each; max 3 credits/year)
- Procurement Training Sessions (1 credit each)
- Procurement Hosted Supplier Expos (1 credit each; max 1 credit/year)
- Once all credits are obtained, delegate must complete and submit the Delegation Renewal Form to LSU Procurement.
Upon verification, delegate will receive the approved renewal form via email for their records.
Other Requirements
Delegate must attend any mandatory training as determined by the Chief Procurement Officer, CPO, to stay abreast of all policy, procedure and process changes.
- Delegate must complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure for Purchasing Agent Delegates certifying that the individual(s) conducting procurement activities on behalf of LSU acknowledge the requirement to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. The form will be sent to Purchasing Agent Delegates upon approval of delegation as well as every January thereafter. Form must be completed, signed and sent to LSU Procurement.
Certification requirements may change without prior notice.
Purchasing Agent Certification Transcript
Code of Ethics
Each applicant pledges to:
- Maintain loyalty to LSU. Pursue the universities objectives consistent with the procurement code so as to also adhere to all federal, state, or local laws.
- Buy without personal prejudice from suppliers who offer the optimum value when all factors are considered.
- Be honest and insist on honesty from others. Denounce all forms of unscrupulous business practices.
- Avoid all conflicts of interest which would jeopardize impartiality in your business transactions.
- Be truthful with your suppliers, potential suppliers, and all others with whom you do business.
- Maintain high standards of personal conduct.
- Refuse to accept gratuities offered by suppliers or potential suppliers.
Code of Conduct
Each applicant pledges to:
- Strive constantly to improve his or her knowledge of methods, materials, and processes that affect purchasing performance.
- Practice and insist on sound business principles in the conduct of all transactions.
- Be receptive to competent counsel from colleagues and demonstrate a willingness to share in support of the purchasing profession.
Training Opportunities
The Procurement Institute, a comprehensive session, designed for new LSU employees who support the department in procurement, provides an overview of LSU Procurement by identifying fundamental concepts and policies; the procurement process do’s and don’ts; the roles of LSU Procurement vs department purchasing professionals; and the importance of ethics and integrity in procurement. The Procurement Institute will be offered every other month and is a pre-requisite for all seeking delegation.
Procurement training sessions will vary based on need and be offered twice each semester (Sept-Dec and Jan-May). Only procurement specific training sessions will count towards recertification credit unless otherwise advised by the Procurement training supervisor.
To view available procurement training session information and register to attend follow the steps below.
- Log in to MyLSU
- Click on 'Employee Resources'
- Click on 'LSU Training and Event Registration' or go to https://training.lsu.edu
- Locate the appropriate training then click on 'View Classes'
- Click 'Register'
- Email confirmation will be sent to the registrant
For information, please contact us at 225-578-2176 or [email protected].
Rev. 10/11/2024