About the School of Animal Sciences
Louisiana’s animal industry is valuable, contributing millions of dollars to the state economy each year as well as providing countless opportunities for recreation, food, and more. This industry has evolved considerably in recent decades. Technology now plays more of a role in animal production than ever before, and people are increasingly conscious of how animals are cared for and what impact they have on the environment. The LSU School of Animal Sciences is working to meet the challenges of today’s industry through research, outreach, and teaching efforts.
Whether someone wants to become a cattle rancher or a veterinarian or a laboratory researcher, being knowledgeable of the field as a whole — as opposed to just one specialized area — is crucial. Our goal is that no student graduates without an understanding of key areas such as animal nutrition, judging, genetics and reproduction.
- Dr. Phil Elzer, Director

Dr. Phil Elzer
Director, School of Animal Sciences
[email protected]
201F Animal and Food Sciences Lab Bldg.
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Animal and Food Sciences Lab Building houses the School of Animal Sciences, our research labs, classrooms, and faculty offices are located in the building. Inside these labs, our researchers studying genetics and disease, muscle biology, meat science, nutrition, among others.
J. B. Francioni Hall is a state inspected meat facility. Student gain hands-on experiences with harvesting and animal processing techniques.
Doyle Chambers Central Research Station is one of the largest research stations in the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station (LAES), located within two miles of the LSU campus. Its mission is service-based, providing land, equipment and personnel to support plant and animal studies. Here students will have hands-on experience at our livestock and poultry facilities. The facilities house horses, cattle, swine, sheep and goats, along with a poultry facility and grain elevator.