About the Department of Experimental Statistics
The Department of Experimental Statistics is the principal source of statistical education, research, and service at Louisiana State University and the Louisiana State University AgCenter. The Department is unique in its strong orientation toward the application of statistics, and faculty provide expert statistical support for the University community in diverse ways:
- Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in statistics to the University community.
- Provide statistical consulting support to faculty and student research projects.
- Serve on graduate committees in other departments.
Collaborate on interdisciplinary research projects with faculty from a wide variety of departments, schools, and colleges. - Supervise graduate students in applied statistics.
Conduct their own independent research programs including projects funded through external grants and contracts. - Administratively, the Department of Experimental Statistics is located within the College of Agriculture and the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, which is part of the LSU AgCenter.
Academically, the Department offers both thesis and non-thesis programs leading to the degree of Master of Applied Statistics (M.Ap.Stat.). These programs prepare students to apply sound statistical methodology to the solution of quantitative problems from many subject areas. An intensive orientation to statistical consulting is provided through practicum courses.
Department Chair
Dr. Bin Li
Department Chair, Professor
173 Martin D. Woodin Hall
[email protected]
SAS and JMP Information
JMP Pro 16 for Windows and Macintosh are now available to all faculty, staff, and students on Tigerware. There is no charge.
SAS 9.4 is now available. We have both Windows and Linux versions.
SAS is available for use by LSU faculty and staff members. Licenses are paid for annually, and the cost is $120 for the first license in a department, station, or organization, and $90 for each additional license. (Note: this fee is subject to change without notice because SAS does increase the fee we pay.) The SAS license year runs from March 15 through March 14, but SAS will continue to function for 90 days after it expires, or until mid-June.
The fee is not prorated. Billing for SAS is done in late October or early November for the current license year. Departments will be billed for all their SAS licenses at one time.
Any copy of SAS installed in an LSU computer must be paid for at the faculty/staff rate, even if the computer is used by students. Students cannot pay for SAS at the student rate and install it on an LSU computer.
Faculty and staff who install SAS on their LSU computer may also install it on their personal computer at home for no additional fee.
Check with your department's SAS rep to see if installation media are available or contact Sylvia Atkins ([email protected]) to make arrangements to borrow media.
Campus Computer Labs
SAS is available on computers in the library, the Student Union, and the EXST labs
(Woodin rooms 11 and 44 when there is no class). It is also available on some college
or department lab computers.
Virtual Lab
Students can run both SAS and Enterprise Guide by logging in to Virtual Lab. You must
fist sign in using the VPN and approve the login with Multi-Factor Authentication.
Once the login has been validated and you are connected to the VPN, you can access
VLAB at vlab2.lsu.edu or through the VMWare Horizon client as usual. You can open
or save files to your local computer.
For more information, please visit the following GROK articles:
If you don’t need to run SAS often and you have a fast, reliable internet connection, this may be the better option for you.
Your home or portable computer
Please use SAS on VLAB if possible.
If you need to use SAS often, you have a slow or unreliable internet connection, or you travel, you may prefer to install SAS on your own computer rather than running it through Virtual Lab.
SAS will not run under any Windows Home version. If you are running a Home version of Windows, you will need to download a copy of Windows 10 through the OnTheHub Portal, which is accessed through TigerWare, Microsoft Windows for Students.
LSU students can obtain copies of SAS for their personal use on their computer at home, either for doing class work or for analyzing their research data. Students are licensed to use SAS only as long as they are a student at LSU.
Cost is $25 per year for all or part of a license year, payable by personal check or money order only (we cannot accept cash, credit cards, or debit cards); the cost is not prorated. Our SAS license year runs from March 15 through March 14, but SAS will continue to function through mid-June. If you wish to continue using SAS after it is due to expire, you must pay an additional $25 per license year. Payments are applied to the license year beginning in the year the check was written. For example, a check written any time in 2021 is applied toward the 2021-2022 license year. The $25 is a license fee; you have paid for permission to use SAS. You have not paid for installation media and you have not paid for any documentation.
Students cannot pay for a student license to install SAS on an LSU computer. Copies of SAS installed on LSU computers must be paid for by the department at the faculty/staff price.
- Faculty/staff: If someone in your department already has the installation media for SAS, contact your department’s SAS rep. Otherwise, follow steps for students.
- Students: email Sylvia Atkins ([email protected]) to get your name on the waiting list to check out the installation media.
- You will be notified by e-mail when it is your turn to get the installation media.
- You may keep the installation media no longer than 24 hours unless you make special arrangements to keep it longer.
SAS OnDemand for Academics runs from a web browser.
It includes Base SAS, SAS/STAT, SAS/IML, and SAS/ACCESS to PC Files, SAS/GRAPH, SAS/ETS, and SAS/OR. It runs under the SAS Studio interface so the user interface is quite different from the normal SAS user interface. It does not include Enterprise Miner or Text Miner.