About Us
LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources
The LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources (RNR) is a leader in natural resource conservation and management, with a particular focus on wetland landscapes, wildlife populations and habitats, coastal and freshwater fisheries, and forest resources and ecology. The programs of research, teaching, and outreach offered by the School of Renewable Natural Resources provide a unique opportunity for individuals interested in making a difference in these critical areas.
The School of Renewable Natural Resources places great emphasis on basic and applied research that is both relevant to the citizens of Louisiana and the broader scientific and global communities. The School of Renewable Natural Resources actively seeks out exceptional scientists to join their team and enhance their leadership positions. Collaboration with experts from a variety of fields is strongly encouraged.
The School of Renewable Natural Resources offers comprehensive undergraduate education in renewable resource ecology and management, with areas of concentration such as Conservation Biology, Ecological Restoration, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Forest Resources Management, Natural Resource Conservation, Pre-veterinary Medicine, Wetland Science, Wildlife Ecology, and Wildlife Law Enforcement.
For graduate students, the School of Renewable Natural Resources offers both Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Renewable Natural Resources, with areas of concentration in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Forestry, Forest Products, Watershed Science, and Wildlife. This provides a unique opportunity to pursue advanced studies in their area of interest and contribute to sustainable natural resource management.
The School of Renewable Natural Resources is committed to disseminating the results of service-oriented research and transferring innovative technologies for the benefit of natural resource stakeholders in Louisiana. Faculty members have the opportunity to contribute to the School's mission of sustainable natural resource management and make a real difference in the world.
Read about the School's History
The School of Renewable Natural Resources is committed to excellence in research, teaching, and outreach. We strive to provide leadership in natural resource conservation and management, and to define and address emerging natural resource issues through basic and applied science.
The mission of the School of Renewable Natural Resources is to advance and disseminate knowledge in conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of forest, wetland, and aquatic resources. We pursue our mission through programs of research, teaching, and outreach, accentuating the unique forest, wetland, wildlife and fisheries resources of the Gulf Coast region, including the Coastal Plain and Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley.
- Achieve national and international recognition for leadership and science within RNR Programs of Excellence.
- Actively engage RNR students, faculty, staff, the RNR Advisory Council, the LSU AgCenter, and the LSU College of Agriculture in the refinement, planning, and execution of Programs of Excellence within the School.
- Encourage multidisciplinary and inter-institutional research through the pursuit of competitive grants to enhance Programs of Excellence.
- Increase undergraduate enrollment, opportunity and access, graduation rate and placement though cooperative programs with Louisiana community colleges and natural resource employers.
- Improve the Ph.D. program through increased student enrollment, improved student opportunity and access, and integrated academic training.
- Enhance the effectiveness of RNR extension efforts through evaluation of stakeholder needs, resource allocation, communication technology, and impact assessment.
- Quantify and prioritize fundraising needs for graduate student and faculty positions, technology, and infrastructure to support Programs of Excellence.
- Identify opportunities, obstacles, and changes necessary to successfully develop multidisciplinary and inter-institutional research programs
- Develop specific strategies to support, and promote the four programs of excellence within the School
- Facilitate communication and collaboration between extension and research faculty
- Increase student and faculty participation in scientific meetings, presentations, and publications
- Update the strategies and priorities of the RNR Extension program
- Re-evaluate the number and distribution of RNR Extension positions based on current stakeholder needs
- Evaluate and prioritize needs for continuing education programs
- Study and modify Areas of Concentration (AOCs) and related student-faculty ratios to reflect current needs of students and potential employers
- Establish “2 + 2” programs with Louisiana community colleges for targeted AOCs
- Increase enrollment in the undergraduate forestry program
- Increase funding for and enrollment of Ph.D. students
- Broaden Ph.D. student training to include teaching, outreach, and participation in the RNR graduate student organization
- Increase graduate course offerings
- Revitalize the RNR graduate student organization
- Publish an annual summary of research and extension projects and distribute widely to stakeholders
- Develop an informational campaign(s) targeting potential students, other College of Ag faculty, and administrators
- Develop a regular schedule of briefings and meetings with the AgCenter and College of Agriculture directed at mutual support of strategic initiatives
- Develop a program for input and update of research and outreach programs into the CMS system
- Identify a RNR staff position to support fundraising
- Develop an annual grassroots campaign in cooperation with the LSU College of Agriculture
- Develop funding for endowed positions to support Programs of Excellence
- Develop additional funding to support Ph.D. student enrollment
- Obtain funding for infrastructure improvements
- Renovate classrooms (starting with 1st floor)
- Correct safety needs in the RNR building
- Reorganize office space to encourage interaction of graduate students
- Obtain space for storage of boats, trailers and other field equipment
- Plan building space addition
- Evaluate infrastructure needs at Lee Memorial Forest

School of Renewable Natural Resources
Room 227 Renewable Natural Resources Building
South Tower at Highland Rd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
phone: 225-578-4131
fax: 225-578-4227
Undergraduate Program
Dr. Mike Kaller
Coordinator of Undergraduate Programs
105 Renewable Natural Resources Bldg
[email protected]
Graduate Program
Dr. Sabrina Taylor
Coordinator of Graduate Programs
Weaver Brothers Distinguished Professor
[email protected]
Interdepartmental Studies in Wetland Ecology and Restoration
Dr. Andy Nyman
Coordinator of Interdepartmental Studies in Wetland Ecology and Restoration
327 Renewable Natural Resources Bldg
phone: 225-578-4220
[email protected]
Dr. Allen Rutherford
227 Renewable Natural Resources Bldg
[email protected]
Alumni Association
RNR/FWF Alumni Association Information
Stay connected with fellow alumni and learn about upcoming events and opportunities in the field of natural resources.
Learn more about the Renewable Natural Resources Alumni Association