Andrew H. Schwarz
Stephenson Department of Entrepreneurship & Information Systems
Professor and MBA Online Advisor
Flores MBA Program
[email protected]
2217 Business Education Complex South
Francis M. "Dud" Coates Professor of Humanities
PhD Management Information Systems, University of Houston, 2003
BA Social Psychology, Florida Atlantic University, 1997
As a Professor in the Information Systems and Decision Sciences Department in the E. J. Ourso College of Business Administration at Louisiana State University, Dr. Andrew Schwarz brings to his current position a unique blend of industry and academic qualifications. Prior to pursuing his Ph.D., Andrew completed his undergraduate degree at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida, where he majored in social psychology and minored in sociology. Following completion of his bachelor's degree, Andrew worked in the market research industry for Fortune 500 firms, crafting research aimed at developing advertising campaigns for both new and established products and built models to forecast future trends in the credit card and food and beverage industries. In 2003, Andrew graduated with a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Houston.
He is currently involved in research aimed at investigating: 1. IT acceptance and use 2. Information technology management issues, such as governance, firm boundary choice, and alignment 3. The implementation and diffusion of technology within organizations, and 4. Future technology trends Andrew has been ranked in the top 1% of the globe in terms of research productivity in top tier journals and his work has appeared in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, among others.
Schwarz, A. and Schwarz, C. E. (2015). An Exploration of the Individual-Level Post-Adoption Choice Behavior. Journal of Information Technology. Theory and Application, 15(2).
Schwarz, A. and Schwarz, C. E. (2014). To Adopt or not to Adopt: A Perception-Based Model of the EMR Technology Adoption Decision Utilizing the Technology-Organization-Environment Framework. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 26(4), 57-79.
Rizzuto, T., Schwarz, A., and Schwarz, C. E. (2014). Toward a Deeper Understanding of Information Technology (IT) Adoption: A Multilevel Analysis. Information and Management, 51(4), 479 487.
Schwarz, A., Chin, W., Hirschheim, R., and Schwarz, C. E. (2014).Towards a Process-Based View of Information Technology Acceptance. Journal of Information Technology, 29(1), 73-96.
Chin, W. W, Junglas, I. A, Schwarz, A., and Sundie, J. (2014). Don't Mind the Gap: A Conceptual and Psychometric Analysis of the Individual Evaluation of Discrepancies. DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 45(1), 9-28.
Lu, B., Hirschheim, R., and Schwarz, A. (2013). Examining the Antecedent Factors of Online Microsourcing. Information Systems Frontiers, , 1-17.
Schwarz, A., Schwarz, C. E., Jung, Y., Perez-Mira, B., and Wiley, S. (2012). Towards an Understanding of Assimilation in Virtual Worlds: the 3C Approach. European Journal of Information Systems, 21, 303 320.
Cenfetelli, R. and Schwarz, A. (2012). Technology Usage Inhibitors: Exploration, Identification and Theoretical Testing. Information Systems Research, 23(1), 808-823.
Welke, R., Hirschheim, R., and Schwarz, A. (2011). Service Oriented Architecture Maturity. IEEE Computer, 44(2), 66-72.
Schwarz, A., Kalika, M., Kefi, H., and Schwarz, C. E. (2010). IT-Enabled Businesses Processes versus IT-Business Alignment: An Investigation into the Drivers of Strategic and Operational Success. Communications of the Association of Information Systems, 26.
Hirschheim, R., Welke, R., and Schwarz, A. (2010). Service Oriented Architecture: Myths, Realities and a Maturity Model. MIS Quarterly Executive, 9(1), 203-213.
Schwarz, A., Jayatilaka, B., Hirschheim, R., and Goles, T. (2009). A Conjoint Approach to Understanding IT Application Sourcing. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 10(10).
Williams, M., Dwivedi, Y., Lal, B., and Schwarz, A. (2009). Contemporary Trends and Issues in IT Adoption and Diffusion Research. Journal of Information Technology, 24(1), 1-10.
Schwarz, A., Thatcher, J., and Grover, V. (2008). Making the Transition from Doctoral
Student to Assistant Professor. Decision Line.
Chin, W., Johnson, N., and Schwarz, A. (2008). The Fast Form Approach to Measuring
Technology Acceptance. MIS Quarterly, 32(4), 687-703.
Schwarz, A. and Chin, W. (2007). Looking Forward: Towards an Understanding of the Nature and Definition of IT Acceptance. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 38(3).
Sundaram, S., Schwarz, A., Jones, E., and Chin, W. (2006). Technology Use on the Front Line: How Technology Enhances Individual Performance. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 35(1), 101-112.
Schwarz, A., Mehta, M., Johnson, N., and Chin, W. (2006). Understanding Frameworks and Reviews: A Commentary to Assist us in Moving Our Field Forward by Analyzing Our Past. DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 38(3), 29-50.
Jayatilaka, B., Schwarz, A., and Hirschheim, R. (2003). Determinants of ASP Choice: an Integrated Perspective. European Journal of Information Systems, 12(3), 210-224.
Teaching Interests: IT Management, Quantitative Methods, Trends in technology
Research Interests: Acceptance of new technology, IT-Business Alignment, IT Governance, IT Boundary Choice, Emerging Technologies
International Journal of Information Management (IJIM), Co-Editor-in-Chief (2025)
AMCIS 2018, Chairperson (2015 - 2018)
DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, Editor, Journal Editor (January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2016)
University Senate Service (August, 2012 - August, 2015)
AMCIS, Track Organizer (2013 - 2014)
Online MBA Faculty Development team, Committee Member (2009 - 2014)
Chair of MBA Assurance of Learning Committee, Committee Chair (August, 2013 - August, 2014)
Association for Information Systems, Officer, Other Officer (2007 - 2013)
MBA Assurance of Learning Committee, Committee Member (August, 2009 - August, 2013)
AMCIS, Track Organizer (2011)
SAP Faculty Coordinator, (January 1, 2013)
- ATLAS Award, Association for Information Systems
- Invited to MIS Camp, Association for Information Systems
- IS World Net Challenge Award, Association for Information Systems
Top 40 Under 40, Baton Rouge Business Report - E. J. Ourso College of Business Research Excellence Award, E. J. Ourso College of Business, 2014
- E. J. Ourso College of Business Research Excellence Award, E. J. Ourso College of Business, 2013
Van Scotter, J., Perez-Mira, B., Schwarz, A., Wiley-Patton, S., and Schneider, H. (2009, November). WEB SITE BUSINESS MODELS, TRUST, AND OBJECTIVE OUTCOMES. Presented at Decision Sciences Institute 2009 Meeting sponsored by Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, LA.
Chin, W. W, Mills, A. M, Steel, D. J, and Schwarz, A. (2012). Multi-Group Invariance Testing: An Illustrative Comparison of PLS Permutation and Covariance-Based SEM Invariance Analysis. 7th International Conference on Partial Least Squares and Related Method.
Schwarz, A., Schwarz, C. E., and Cenfetelli, R. (2012, August). A Profile of Rejecters
of Electronic Medical Record Technology . AMCIS 2012.
Schwarz, A. and Schwarz, C. E. (2009). Incorporating Choice into Models of Technology Adoption. AMCIS 2009.
Rizzuto, T., Schwarz, A., and Schwarz, C. E. (2009). Toward a Deeper Understanding of Information Technology (IT) Adoption: A Multilevel Analysis. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
Personnel: Rice, Dan Kuo, Andrew (role: Co-Principal) Schwarz, Andrew (role: Co-Principal)Title:
Louisiana State University College of Business Research Lab Mobility and Measurement
Sponsoring Organization: Louisiana Board of Regents
Year: 2015
Internet; Thrive Global; gave expert opinion on top things to do to become a thought leader in your industry; 2020
Internet;; gave expert opinion on the challenges companies face when implementing AI; 2020
Internet; Authority Magazine; Gave expert opinion on five things you should do to become a thought leader In your industry ; 2020
Magazine; Baton Rouge Business Report; Interviewed on the challenges of coping with information overload; 2014
Newspaper; The Advocate; Profile of research study regarding the adoption of EMR technology by physicians in Louisiana; 2011