
The E. J. Ourso College of Business awards over 125 scholarships annually to incoming and continuing students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. These scholarships are awarded based on student need, merit, and donor-specific criteria.

To apply, use LSU's centralized online scholarship system, Blackbaud Award Management (BAM).

With the exception of the Lagniappe Internship Fund, undergraduate scholarship applications for the 2025-26 academic year are now closed. 

Graduate scholarship deadlines vary; please consult your program.


Current Ourso College students who will be continuing at LSU into the next academic year must submit an online application each year through the BAM system to be considered for university or college-level scholarships. 

Undergraduate applications for the 2025-26 academic year are now closed. Applications for the 2026-27 academic year will open in fall 2026.

Graduate application periods vary. Check with your program for details. 

All current students can access the scholarship system at:

Sign in with your myLSU/PAWS user id and password. After logging in, students will be directed to complete the general application LSU and the E. J. Ourso College of Business application. These applications will automatically enter you into the applicant pool for many of the scholarships that you may be eligible for. 

Once these applications are completed, you may be directed to a list of other scholarships for which you may be eligible. Click on a scholarship’s name to see the criteria and apply for that individual scholarship as well, if eligible. These scholarships can be found by viewing “Recommended Opportunities” from the opportunities tab in BAM. 

To be considered for awards each academic year, you must complete this process annually. 

After the scholarship applications close, the appropriate scholarship committee will review applications for each award and make their selections. For undergraduate students, this will typically be at the end of the spring semester. Students will be notified if selected and awards will be processed for receipt in the next academic year. For graduate students, the timeline varies by department. Contact your program for details.

Financial Aid & Scholarships also maintains a list of additional scholarship opportunities, outside of those offered directly through the university. The scholarships on this list are not awarded or administered by LSU. Any questions about these funds should be directed to the sponsoring organization. 

For questions or more information on scholarships awarded by the E. J. Ourso College of Business, email [email protected].

Incoming students

When students complete the LSU admissions application online and select a degree program in the E. J. Ourso College, the information submitted during the application/acceptance process will be automatically entered into BAM to determine eligibility for potential scholarships university-wide, as well as, within the college. 

The priority admissions deadline for scholarship consideration for incoming undergraduate students is December 15. Incoming freshmen who are selected for an award will typically be notified in the spring. 

Graduate students will be considered for awards based on information provided in their admission application. Timelines vary by department.

For questions about scholarships awarded by the university, contact the LSU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Lagniappe Internship Fund 

The Lagniappe Internship Fund reduces financial barriers that can come with accepting an internship, like travel or temporary moving expenses, low-paying or unpaid positions, and expenses associated with living in a major metropolitan area. 

Students interested in pursuing internship funding should have a written offer letter for an internship. A wide range of internships will be considered for funding, including paid and unpaid internships, in-person and virtual positions, and local and out-of-state opportunities. 

Review the detailed eligibility criteria and application process below. Please direct any questions about the Lagniappe Internship Fund program to Sam Press in the Olinde Career Center. 


To be eligible for the Lagniappe Internship Fund you must:

  • Be a full-time undergraduate student admitted to the LSU E. J. Ourso College of Business
  • Be continuing undergraduate studies at LSU after the completion of summer internship
  • Be in good academic and judicial standing with the university
  • Have a secured summer internship prior to the application deadline.
  • Students must provide a written offer letter confirming the internship position as part of the application.

A variety of internships will be considered for funding, including:

  • Paid and unpaid positions
  • Local and out-of-state positions
  • Internships can be for academic credit, but this is not required
  • The position must be applicable to the business landscape.
  • The position must be professional and cannot be solely focused on clerical, support, or administrative tasks.
  • Internships must be at least 20 hours per week for eight weeks in the summer.

Funding through this program is made available to support travel and living expenses (such as housing, food, and travel expenses) while completing a summer internship. This support enables students to participate in unpaid or low-paid opportunities. Award funding is not provided in place of compensation for work. Students are responsible for finding an internship and covering expenses outside the value of the award.

The award amount varies and is determined by a selection committee based on available funds and a student’s demonstrated need. 

Applications will close at 4 p.m. on Friday, April 25

Students will use their myLSU credentials to sign into Blackbaud Award Management (BAM) to complete the application.

lagniappe internship fund Application

To complete the application, you will need to answer specific questions about your internship, compensation details, expenses related to your experience (including a budget spreadsheet), and professional proficiencies you plan to develop during the experience. 


The LSU Olinde Career Center offers info session, workshops, personal essay tips, and other resources to help with your application.

resources for lagniappe internship fund applicants

Finding an internship:

Handshake offers a variety of internship and co-op opportunities to students. Students may also inquire about internship or co-op opportunities through networking, researching the company, and following up with informational interviewing or other job search sites.

Getting advice:

The OBSS Professional Development team can provide support before and during internships and help students leverage their experience in their search for full-time employment. Schedule an internship advising appointment through Handshake.

Ensure you’re ready:

The OBSS Professional Development team will work with you to ensure that your résumé, LinkedIn page, and interview skills are professional and optimized to meet your career goals. Schedule a professional prep advising appointment through Handshake.

Support Student Internships

The Lagniappe Internship Fund is made possible by the generous support of an anonymous E. J. Ourso College alum who moved to New York City after graduation to pursue a career on Wall Street. This donor was inspired to create this award opportunity in recognition of the impact a collegiate internship experience can have on a student’s career path. 

The E. J. Ourso College of Business is grateful to the alumni and donors who have made this program possible. If you are interested in helping grow the next generation of business leaders through real-world work opportunities, consider giving to the Lagniappe Internship Fund.

To make a gift in support of this fund, visit the LSU Foundation giving form and search for the "Business Lagniappe Internship Opportunity Fund." You may also use the link above to give to the "Business Administration General Scholarship Fund," which helps put a world-class business degree within reach.

For questions or more information on scholarships awarded by the E. J. Ourso College of Business, email [email protected].