Economics Research

The Department of Economics is committed to excellence in research. Our faculty and graduate students contribute to the global advancement of the science of economics through their research.


Select Faculty Publications

Scott Abrahams

Abrahams, S. (2024). Downward minimum wage rigidity: evidence from a temporary four-month increase in St. Louis. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 218, 30-47.

Abrahams, S. & Mabli, J. (2024). Commuting barriers to low-wage employment. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 104, 103970.

Abrahams, S. (2024). An analysis of the gender layoff gap implied by a gender gap in wage bargaining. Economics Letters, 234,

Abrahams, S. (2020). Officer differences in traffic stops of minority drivers. Labour Economics, 67, 101912.

Wiemers, E. E., Abrahams, S., AlFakhri, M., Hotz, V. J., Schoeni, R. F., & Seltzer, J. A. (2020). Disparities in vulnerability to complications from COVID-19 arising from disparities in preexisting conditions in the United States. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 69, 100553.

Flabbi, L., Piras, C., & Abrahams, S. (2017). Female corporate leadership in Latin America and the Caribbean Region: Representation and firm-level outcomes. International Journal of Manpower, 38(6), 790-818.

Areendam Chanda

Chanda, A. and Cook, J. (2022) Was India's Demonetization Redistributive? Insights from Satellites and Surveys. Journal of Macroeconomics.

Chanda, A. and Unel, B. (2021) Do Attitudes Toward Risk-Taking Affect Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Second-generation Americans. Journal of Economic Growth.

Chanda, A. and Kabiraj, S. (2020). Shedding Light on Regional Growth and Convergence in India. World Development.

Chanda, A., Cook, C. Justin, and Putterman, L. (2014). Persistence of fortune: Accounting for Population Movements, There was no Post-Columbian Reversal. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 6(3), 1-28.

Chanda, A., Alfaro, L., Kalemli-Ozcan, S., and Sayek, S. (2010). Foreign Direct Investment, Financial Markets and Economic Growth. Journal Of Development Economics.

Chanda, A., Alfaro, L., Kalemli-Ozcan, S., and Sayek, S. (2004). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: The Role of Local Financial Markets. Journal of International Economics, 64(64), 89-112.

Chanda, A., Bockstette, V., and Putterman, L. (2002). States and Markets: The Advantages of an Early Start. Journal of Economic Growth.

Daniel Keniston

Keniston, D., Larsen, B., Li, S., Prescott, J.J., Silviera, B., Yu, C. (2024). Fairness in Incomplete Information Bargaining. International Economic Review, Forthcoming.

Keniston, D., Banerjee, A., Duflo, E., Chattopadyay, R., and Singh, N. (2021). Improving Police Performance in Rajasthan, India: Experimental Evidence on Incentives, Managerial Autonomy, and Training. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.

Banerjee, A., Duflo, E., Keniston, D., Singh, N., and , .. The Efficient Deployment of Police Resources: Theory and New Evidence from a Randomized Drunk Driving Crackdown in India. Econometrica.

Keniston, D. and Allcott, H. (2018). Dutch Disease or Agglomeration? The Local Economic Effects of Commodity Booms and Busts in Modern America. Review of Economic Studies, 85(2), 695-731.

Hornbeck, R. and Keniston, D. (2017). Creative Destruction: Barriers to Urban Growth and the Great Boston Fire of 1872. American Economic Review, 107(6), 1365-1398.

Banerjee, A., Banerji, R., Duflo, E., Glennerster, R., Keniston, D., Khemani, S., and Shotland, M. (2007). Can information campaigns raise awareness and local participation in primary education?. Economic and Political Weekly, , 1365--1372.

Faik A. Koray

Koray, F., Arin, K., and Spagnolo, N. (2015). Fiscal Multipliers in Good Times and Bad Times. Journal of Macroeconomics, 44, 303-311.

Koray, F., Arin, P., Berlemann, M., and Kuhlenkasper, T. (2013). Non-Linear Growth Effects of Taxation: A Semi-Parametric Approach Using Average Marginal Tax Rates. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28(5), 883-899.

Koray, F. and McMillin, W. Douglas (1999). Monetary Shocks, the Exchange Rate, and the Trade Balance. Journal of International Money and Finance, , 925-940.

Koray, F. (1993). Inflation Variability and the Turkish Economy. Applied Economics, , 787-793.

Koray, F. and Lastrapes, W. D (1990). International Transmission of Aggregate Shocks under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate Regimes: A VAR Analysis. Journal of International Money and Finance, , 402-423.

Koray, F. and Lastrapes, W. D (1989). Real Exchange Rate Volatility and Bilateral Trade under Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes: A VAR Analysis. Review of Economics and Statistics, , 708-712.

Koray, F. (1989). Money and Functional Distribution of Income. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, , 33-48.

Koray, F. and Chan, P. (1988). Fiscal Policy and Stabilization of Exchange Rates under Alternative Criteria. Canadian Journal of Economics, , 97-114.

Koray, F. (1987). Government Debt, Economic Activity and Transmission of Economic Disturbances. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, , 361-375.

Philip Marx

Marx, Philip, Elie Tamer, and Xun Tang (2024). “Parallel Trends and Dynamic Choices.” Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics 2(1): 129-171.

Marx, Philip (2024). “Sharp Bounds in the Latent Index Selection Model.” Journal of Econometrics 238(2): 105561.

"A Robust Test of Prejudice for Discrimination Experiments," with Daniel Martin. 2022. Management Science (Fast Track) 68(6), 4527-4536. 

"An Absolute Test of Racial Prejudice." 2022. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 38(1), 42-91.

"Revenue from Matching Platforms,"  with James Schummer. 2021. Theoretical Economics 16(3), 799-824

H Naci Mocan

Mocan, N. (n.d) Culture and Economic Prosperity, MIT Press, forthcoming in 2025

Mocan, N. (n.d.) “Racial Bias and Ingroup Bias in Judicial Decisions,” in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Giovanni Battista and Alain Marciano (Eds.), Springer; forthcoming.

Mocan, N., Osborn, E. (n.d.). In-group Favoritism and Peer Effects in Wrongful Acquittals: NBA Referees as Judges. The Journal of Law and Economics, forthcoming

Mocan, N., Tumen, S., Akbulut, M., Turan, B. (2024). The Crime Effect of Refugees, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 43(2), 472-508

Mocan, N., Altindag, D. (2024). Opportunistic Career Moves of Mobile Politicians. Journal of Labor Research, 45(1), 58-110

Mocan, N., Altindag, D., Zhang, J. (2023). Deterrence and Compellence in the Parliament. Journal of Law and Economics, 66 (2), 333-368

Mocan, N., Akyol, P. (2023). Education and Consanguineous Marriage. Journal of Human Capital, 17 (1), 114-171

Depew, B., Eren, O., and Mocan, H. Naci (2017). Judges, Juveniles, and In-Group Bias. Journal of Law and Economics, 60(2), 209-239.

Mocan, H. Naci, Raschke, C., and , . (2016). Economic Well-being and Anti-Semitic, Xenophobic, and Racist Attitudes in Germany. European Journal of Law and Economics, 41(1), 1-63.

Mocan, H. Naci and Altindag, D. (2013). Salaries and Work Effort: An Analysis of European Union Parliamentarians. Economic Journal, 123, 1130-67.

Mocan, H. Naci (2013). Vengeance. Review of Economics and Statistics, 95(3), 969-82.

Mocan, H. Naci and Bali, T. (2010). Asymmetric Crime Cycles. Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(4), 899-911.

Mocan, H. Naci and Tekin, E. (2010). Ugly Criminals. Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(1), 15-30.

Mocan, H. Naci (2008). What Determines Corruption? International Evidence from Micro Data. Economic Inquiry, 46(4), 493-510.

Mocan, H. Naci and Tekin, E. (2006). Guns and Juvenile Crime. Journal Of Law And Economics, , 507-31.

Mocan, H. Naci, Billups, S., and Overland, J. (2005). A Dynamic Model of Differential Human Capital and Criminal Activity. Economica, 72, 655-81.

Mocan, H. Naci and Corman, H. (2005). Carrots, Sticks and Broken Windows. Journal Of Law And Economics, 48(1), 235-66.

Argys, L. and Mocan, H. Naci (2004). Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die? An Analysis of Prisoners on Death Row in the United States. Journal Of Legal Studies, 33(2), 255-82.

Mocan, H. Naci and Gittings, K. (2003). Getting Off Death Row: Commuted Sentences and the Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment. Journal Of Law And Economics, 46(2), 453-78.

Mocan, H. Naci and Tekin, E. (2003). Nonprofit Sector and Part-Time Work: An Analysis of Employer-Employee Matched Data of Child Care Workers. Review Of Economics And Statistics, 85(1), 38-50.

Blau, D. M and Mocan, H. Naci (2002). The Supply of Quality in Child Care Centers. Review Of Economics And Statistics, 84(3), 483-96.

Corman, H. and Mocan, H. Naci (2000). A Time-Series Analysis of Crime, Deterrence and Drug Abuse in New York City. American Economic Review, 90(3), 584-604.

Dek Terrell

Barnes, S., Joshi, S., Terrell, D. (2023). Disasters and health insurance: Evidence from Louisiana. Economic Modelling, 128

Terrell, D. and Kleit, A. (2001). Measuring Potential Efficiency Gains from Deregulation of Electricity Generation: A Bayesian Approach. Review Of Economics And Statistics, , 523-30.

Terrell, D. and Bratsberg, B. (1998). Experience, Tenure, and Wage Growth of Young black and White Men. Journal Of Human Resources, , 658-682.

Terrell, D. and Farmer, A. (1996). Optimal Betting and Efficiency in Betting Markets with Information Costs. The Economic Journal, , 846-868.

Maria Paola Ugalde Araya

Coffman, K., Ugalde Araya, M.P. & Zafar, B. (2024) A (dynamic) investigation of stereotypes, belief-updating, and behavior. Economic Inquiry, 62(3), 957–983

Bulent Unel

Dinopoulos, E., Hiens, G. and Unel, B. (2024). Tariff Wars, Unemployment, and Top Incomes. Journal of Monetary Economics, 148, 103616.

Unel, B. and Upton, G. (2023). Oil & Gas Induced Economic Fluctuations and Self-Employment. Labour Economics, 82, 102362.

Chanda, A. and Unel, B. (2021). Do Attitudes Toward Risk Taking Affect Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Second-generation Americans. Journal of Economic Growth, 26, 385-413.

Beland, L. and Unel, B. (2019). Politics and Entrepreneurship in the U.S.. Canadian Journal of Economics, 57, 33-57.

Unel, B. (2018). Offshoring and Unemployment in a Credit-Constraint Economy. Journal of International Economics, 111, 21-33.

Dinopoulos, E. and Unel, B. (2015). Entrepreneurs, Jobs, and Trade. European Economic Review, 79, 93-112.

Dinopoulos, E. and Unel, B. (2011). Quality Heterogeneity and Global Economic Growth. European Economic Review, 55, 595-612.

Page, T., Putterman, L., and Unel, B. (2005). Voluntary Association in Public Goods Experiments: Reciprocity, Mimicry, and Efficiency. Economic Journal, 115, 1032-53.

Zhixiu Yu

Yu, Z. “Why Are Older Men Working More? The Role of Social Security” Journal of Public Economics, Volume 231, March 2024, 105071

Yu, Z. “On the coexistence of cryptocurrency and fiat money,” Review of Economic Dynamics, Volume 49, July 2023, Pages 147-180

Yu, Z. “Association of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Retailers with Child Food Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” JAMA Pediatrics, 177(4): 430-431, April 2023, with Qingxiao Li, Shuoli Zhao, and Metin Çakır

Qiankun Zhou

Zhou, Q. Statistical Inference for the Low Dimensional Parameters in the Presence of HighDimensional Data: An Orthogonal Projection (with Cheng Hsiao), Accepted at Journal of Econometrics

Zhou, Q. A One Covariate at a Time Multiple Testing Approach to Variable Selection in Additive Models (with Liangjun Su, Thomas Tao Yang, and Yonghui Zhang), forthcoming at Econometric Reviews

Zhou, Q. Panel Treatment Effects Measurement—Factor or Linear Projection Modelling? (with Cheng Hsiao), forthcoming in the Journal of Applied Econometrics.

Zhou, Q. Specification Tests for Time-Varying Coefficient Panel Data Models (with Alev Atak, Yonghui Zhang, and Tao Yang), forthcoming at Econometric Theory.

Zhou, Q. Confidence Intervals of Treatment Effects Estimation in Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects (With Xingyu Li and Yan Shen), Journal of Econometrics 240(1), 105684, 2024.

Zhou, Q. Semiparametric Least Squares Estimation of Binary Choice Panel Data Models with Endogeneity (with Anastasia Semykina, Yimeng Xie, and Cynthia Fan Yang), Economic Modelling 132, 106661, 2024.

Zhou, Q. Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Models with Interactive Effects: Quasi-differencing over Time or Pairwise? (with Cheng Hsiao), Advances in Econometrics Volume 45B, 353-383, Essays in honor of Joon Y. Park, 2023.

Zhou, Q., Liu, R., Shang, Z., and Zhang, Y. (2020). Identification and estimation in panel models with overspecified number of groups. Journal of Econometrics, 215(215), 17.

Pesaran, M. Hashem and Zhou, Q. (2018). Estimation of time-invariant effects in static panel data models. Econometric Reviews, 37, 1137-1171.

Lee, N., Moon, H. Roger, and Zhou, Q. (2017). Many IVs estimation of dynamic panel regression models with measurement error. Journal of Econometrics, 200(2), 251 259.

Zhang, Y., Zhou, Q., and Jiang, L. (2017). Panel kink regression with an unknown threshold. Economics Letters.

Hsiao, C. and Zhou, Q. (2017). First difference or forward demeaning: Implications for the method of moments estimators. Econometric Reviews, 36(6-9), 883-897.

Xue, S., Yang, T. Tao, and Zhou, Q. (2017). Binary choice model with interactive effects. Economic Modeling, , 1-13.

Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., and Zhou, Q. (2016). A Stein-like estimator for linear panel data models. Economics Letters, 141, 156 161.

Hsiao, C. and Zhou, Q. (2016). Asymptotic distribution of quasi-maximum likelihood estimation of dynamic panels using long difference transformation when both N and T are large. Statistical Methods & Applications, 25(4), 675-683.

Zhou, Q. and Yu, J. (2015). Asymptotic theory for linear diffusions under alternative sampling schemes. Economics Letters, 128, 1-5.

Research Seminar Series

Every semester, the Department of Economics hosts a Research Seminar Series. Speakers have experience in various disciplines and speak on topics covering the economics field. The series provides students, faculty, and business professionals with engaging thought leadership and unique perspectives to broaden their knowledge, skills, and networks.

Browse upcoming seminars:

Date Speaker
Friday, Jan. 31 Serdar Ozkan
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
"Scalable versus Productive Technologies"
BEC 1305, 3:30 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 21 Melanie Wasserman
"The Effects of Gender Integration on Men: Evidence from the U.S. Military"
BEC 1305, 3:30 p.m.
Friday, Mar. 7 Francisco D’Acunto
Georgetown University
"Subjective Models of the Macroeconomy and the Transmission of Monetary Policy"
BEC 2520, 3:30 p.m.
Friday, Mar. 14 Diane Alexander
"Selection into Medicine"
BEC 2520, 2:00 p.m.
Friday, Mar. 28 John Jones
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
“Decomposing Wealth Differences: Earnings, Demographics and Rates of Return”
BEC 2520, 3:30 p.m.
Friday, May 2 Marit Rehavi
University of British Columbia
BEC 2520, 3:30 p.m.


Explore past research seminar speakers:

Spring 2024

Associate Professor Katherine Eriksson
University of California-Davis
"Marriage and the Intergenerational Mobility of Women: Evidence from Marriage Certificates 1850-1920"

Hanming Fang - Joseph M. Cohen Term Professor of Economics
University of Pennsylvania
"Labor Union and Social Insurance" (with Naoki Aizawa and Katsuhiro Komatsu)

Cormac O'Dea - Assistant Professor
Yale University

Lucija Muehlenbachs - Associate Professor
University of Calgary


Fall 2024

Alberto Rivera-Padilla
Tulane University

Thibault Fally
University of California, Berkeley
"Consumer Demand with Price Aggregators and Low-Rank Cross-Price Effects", co-authored with Ethan Ligon, University of California, Berkeley

Steve Wu
University of California, San Diego
"Team Persistent or Team Transitory? Sectoral Linkage and Inflation Persistence"

Mackenzie Alston
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
"Does Black and Blue Matter?: An Experimental Investigation of Race, Perceptions of Police, and Legal Compliance"

Spring 2023

Costas Arklolakis
Yale University

LSU-Tulane Conference of Applied Microeconomics

Simone Schaner
University of Southern California


Fall 2023

Paula Calvo, Assistant Professor of Economics
Arizona State University
"The Effects of Institutional Gaps Between Cohabitation and Marriage"

Michael Munger, Professor of Political Science & Economics
Duke University
"Giants Among Us: Power and Monopoly in Today's Economy"

Spring 2022

Kathleen McKiernan
Vanderbilt University
"Revisiting Retirement and Social Security Claiming Decisions"

Cory Smith
University of Maryland
"Land Concentration and Long-Run Development"

Michelle Marcus
Vanderbilt University
"Unchartered Waters: Effects of Maritime Emission Regulation"

Zhixu Yu
University of Minnesota

Kerem Cosar
University of Virginia
"Rise and Fall of Empires in the Industrial Era: A Story of Shifting Comparative Advantages"


Fall 2022

Eliza Forsythe
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"The Effect of Minimum Wage Policies on the Wage and Occupational Structure of Establishments"

Federico Mandelman
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
"Slowdown in Immigration, Labor Market Shortages, and the Decline in the Skill-Premium"

Lakshmi Iyer
University of Notre Dame
"It Takes a Village? Administrative Decentralization and Human Development"

Sadia Farzana
LSU Department of Economics
"The Impact of Family Income and Maternal Labor Supply on Child Achievement and Behavior"

Alex Albright
The Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
"The Hidden Effects of Algorithmic Recommendations"

Justin Cook
Tulane University

Yunsang Kim, Visiting Assistant Professor
LSU Economics
"Distributional Effects of Exchange Rate Stabilization in Emerging Markets"

Murat Mungan
George Mason University
"Endogenous Judge Decision Quality, Monotonicity, and Treatment Effects"

Spring 2020

Rossella Calvi
Rice University, Department of Economics
"Sharing the Pie: Undernutrition, Intra-household Allocation, and Poverty"


Fall 2020

Sandra Rozo
"Give me Your Tired and Your Poor: Impact of a Large-Scale Amnesty Program for Undocumented Refugees"

Peter Testa
"Resource Blessing? Oil, Risk, and Religious Communities as Social Insurance in the US South."

Barton Willage
"Childbirth and Job Loss: Impact of Postpartum Job Displacement on Mother and Child"

Patrick Button
"Gender Identity, Race, and Ethnicity in Access to Mental Health Care: Evidence from a Pilot Audit Field Experiment"

Areendam Chanda
"Do Attitudes Toward Risk Taking Affect Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Second-generation Americans"

Dan Keniston
"A Division of Laborers: Identity and Efficiency in India"

Austin Denteh
"Using Machine Learning to Estimate the Heterogeneous Impacts of Medicaid Managed Care"

Julien Labonne
"Captured Labour Markets: Social Structure and Labour Market Performance in the Philippines"

Vegard Mokleiv Nygaard
"Optimal Allocation of the COVID-19 Stimulus Checks"

Spring 2019

Amanda Agan
Rutgers University
"The Minimum Wage, EITC, and Criminal Recidivism"

David Atkin
"A New Engel on Price Index and Welfare Estimation"

Fang Yang
"The Lost Generation: the Opportunities and Outcomes of Non-College Educated Americans Born in the 1960s"

David Weil
Brown University
"The Dynamics of Income, Population, and Health in a Multi-Country World"

Jonathan Pritchett
Tulane University
"Demographic Consequences of the Interregional Slave Trade"


Fall 2019

Peter Gingeleskie

Yangling Qi
Cal State Long Beach
"Do We Stay in the Hospital too Long? Evidence from China

Brent Sorensen
University of Houston
"Quantifying Productivity Gains from Foreign Investment

Sara Markowitz
Emory University
"The Effects of State Scope of Practice Laws on the Labor Supplyof Advanced Practice Registered Nurses"

Aaditya Dar
Indian School of Business
"Parachuters vs. Climbers: Economic Consequences of Barriers to Political Entry in a Democracy"

Ilan Tojerow
Université Libre de Bruxelles
"The 'Other' Child Penalty: Work Disability after Motherhood and how Paternity Leave can Help"

Nishith Prakash
University of Connecticut
"Wheels of Change: Transforming Women's Lives with Education and Empowerment"


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