Marketing Internships 

LSU’s Department of Marketing internship program provides course credit for a wide variety of student internship experiences. Students apply academic knowledge to real-world situations through positions with local and regional employers each semester. Internships allow students to gain on-the-job experience in marketing, and may result in full-time employment. Other benefits of the internship program include:

  • Relationships with potential employers
  • Three-to-six hours of course credit
  • The program is open to any business major who is a junior (or has completed at least 60 credit hours) and has completed Principles of Marketing (MKT 3401). 


Steps to participate in an internship

The internship program is open to all students, not just marketing majors. It is a pass/fail course. The minimum requirements are:

  • Must be a junior (or have completed 60 or more credit hours.)
  • Must have completed a Principles of Marketing course. It is highly recommended that more marketing courses be completed prior to the internship experience as this will better prepare the student to learn and to complete the project.
  • Must have at least 100 hours of practical work experience for three hours credit; must have 150 hours for six hours credit.
  • Must complete a project term paper, which is primarily analytical in nature (not descriptive). This paper applies marketing concepts and principles to the company in which the student is employed. For example, some students have developed a marketing segmentation strategy for the company while others have developed advertising campaigns. This paper draws heavily from marketing textbooks, company records, and trade publications. It must be prepared in professional printed format and in standardized research paper format, including statement of purpose, references, and a complete bibliography.

Students interested in participating in the marketing internship program must complete the internship request form linked in the next section. 


To be approved for internship credit, a student must complete the “Marketing Internship Request Form”. Completed forms must be submitted before the last day to add courses for the semester. 

marketing internship request formFor questions regarding MKT 4445 – General MKT Internship, contact Amanda Ledet

For questions regarding MKT 4479 – Sales Internship, contact Greg Accardo

Stephanie Gandy (OBSS assistant director of professional development) will send an internship survey the week following the last day to add a class. Her email will include detailed instructions for submitting your survey.

Throughout the internship, students should keep a journal of their activities, the marketing principles they apply, and the experience they gain. Journaled activities should be gathered together and formatted into a report. The report is due to your LSU supervising instructor by 3 p.m. on the last Friday class day of the semester enrolled.

review journal requirements

Supervisors will be sent an evaluation document by the internship coordinator that must be completed and returned before issuing grades. The report is due in the internship coordinator’s office by the last day of the current semester’s class, even if employment has not ended.