Tournament Format
Players are split into teams, and the best score on each ball will be used as the
score for the team. Take four consecutive shots in each of the yellow, green, brown,
blue, and white targets to receive double points. If you hit other targets that are
not designated as double points, you will receive the regular point totals designated
on your ball dispenser. Review the Top Golf Game Guide. Visit Top Golf for more information.
Team Participation
$1,000 per four-person team (20 spots available)
Participation in the tournament includes three hours of gameplay, lunch, beverages,
prizes, and interaction with the Professional Sales Concentration students.
$250 to sponsor one Top Golf bay for the day (24 spots available)
Registration & Payment
Pay with a credit card online:
Link unavailable, check back later!
Pay by check:
Make checks payable to the LSU Foundation (include LSU PSI Golf Tournament in the
memo field) and mail to:
LSU Department of Marketing
c/o Greg Accardo
2027 Business Education Complex
501 South Quad Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Gift Bag Donations
To donate gift bag items, please contact Greg Accardo.
Want to learn more?
If you would like one of our professional sales concentration students to contact
you about participating in the tournament, or if you have any questions, please contact
Greg Accardo, director of the LSU Professional Sales Institute, at [email protected] or 225-578-8797.