Graduate Students

Student Research Area Advisor Location Email
AddoAddo, Collins Adu   Control Dr. Xiangyu Meng ERAD 355 [email protected] 
ZakariaAfsharbakeshloo,  Zakaria Power Dr. Mehdi Farasat EE 350 [email protected]  
Amaal Ahmed headshotAhmed, Amaal   Systems : Automatic Control TBD TBD [email protected] 
Farshad AmaniJouneghaniAmaniJouneghani, Farshad  Power Dr. Amin Kargarian EE 133 [email protected] 
 ArthurArthur, Fredrica Power

Dr. Amin Kargarian EE 133 [email protected] 
AzinAtarodi, Azin Power Dr. Mehdi Farasat

EE 350 [email protected] 
MurtazaAslam, Murtaza Electronics Dr. Jian Xu ERAD 327 [email protected] 
xiaobingChen, Xiaobing


Communication &

Signal Processing

Dr.Xiangwei Zhou  PFT 2280 [email protected] 
Krzysztof CzarneckiCzarnecki, Krzysztof
Electronics TBD TBD

[email protected] 


RoyaEbrahimi, Roya  Electronics Dr. Georgios Veronis EE 125  [email protected]  
Erteza TawsifEfaz, Erteza Tawsif Electronics Dr. Jian Xu PFT 2247 [email protected] 
EmroseEmrose, Md Tanvir Electronics Dr. Georgios Veronis  EE 125 [email protected] 
EsselEssel, Ebenezer


Communication &

Signal Processing

Dr. Shuangqing Wei

PFT 2248 [email protected] 
EssumanEssuman, Jones


Automatic Control

Dr. Xiangyu Meng PFT2356 [email protected] 
GadirajuGadiraju, Venkata (Krishna)


Communication &

Signal Processing

Dr. Hsiao-Chun Wu PFT 210 [email protected] 
Gidi Gidi, Edem


Communication &

Signal Processing

Dr.Xiangwei Zhou  PFT 2280  [email protected] 
GuoGuo, Haoqiang Computer Dr. David Koppelman N/A [email protected] 
HanHan, Yunpeng


Automatic Control

Dr. Xiangyu Meng PFT 2356 [email protected] 
MiladHasanzadeh, Milad


Dr. Amin Kargarian EE 133 [email protected] 
JavadHosseini, Mohammad Javad Power Dr. Mehdi Farasat EE 350 [email protected]  
SeyedmajidHosseini, Seyedmajid  Electronics Dr. Jian Xu


Aquatic Germplasm and

Genetic Resources Center


[email protected]


PedramHosseinzadeh, Pedram Electronics Dr. Jian Xu


Aquatic Germplasm and

Genetic Resources Center


[email protected] 

Sabrina  Huezo, Sabrina

Electronics TBD

133 Nicholson Hall

[email protected] 
 JavadiJavadi, Amir Bahador
Power Dr. Amin Kargarian EE 133  [email protected] 
 JulianJohnson, Julian Anthony
Signals TBD TBD [email protected] 
 JonesJones, Eric
Electronics Dr. Theda Daniels-Race  TBD [email protected] 
 Charlotte Kearney, Charlotte 
Signals Dr. Martin Feldman TBD [email protected] 
MengmengLiu, Mengmeng Computer Dr. J. (Ram) Ramanujam 401 Choppin Hall [email protected] 
CarlosManosalvas Holst, Carlos 
Concrete 3D Printing

Dr. Ali Kazemian &

Dr. Jerry Trahan

Elab 161 [email protected] 

SafouraMehdizadeh, Safoura



Automatic Control

Dr. Xiangyu Meng


[email protected] 
Moghbeli Moghbeli, Mohammadamin Power Dr.Shahab Mehraeen EE 102-E [email protected] 
MunirMunir, Nafis Shahriar
Systems: Communication & Signal Dr. Xiangwei Zhou PFT 2280 [email protected] 
GrantMuslow, Grant


Dr. Jerry Trahan ERAD 305

[email protected]


Moshen Norouzi, Mohsen Electronics Dr. Jian Xu 


Aquatic Germplasm and Genetic Resources Center 

[email protected] 
ChrisO'Loughlin, Christopher Electronics Dr. Theda Daniels-Race EE 342 [email protected]  
OsigweOsigwe, Chisom Doris  Computer: Distributed Computing Dr. Vaidyanathan Ramachandra ERAD 305 [email protected] 
OztemelOztemel, Muhammed Esad Computer

Dr. Jerry Trahan


Dr. Omer Soysal

ERAD 331 [email protected] 
PranavPothapragada, Pranav


Automatic Control

Dr. Xiangyu Meng  PFT 2356 [email protected] 
FoziaRajbdad, Fozia Electronics Dr. Jian Xu ERAD 327 [email protected] 
ElhamRavanbakhsh, Elham Computer Dr. J. (Ram) Ramanujam CCT 2021 [email protected] 
DinkarRegmi, Dinkar Electronics Dr. Jian Xu

EE 322, ERAD 305,

ERAD 300

[email protected] 
David RushRush, David Power Dr. Shahab Mehraeen  EE 102 F [email protected] 
placeholderSanjoh, Sarah Power Dr. Amin Kargarian  EE 133 [email protected] 
 TonmoySarker, Tonmoy


Automatic Control

Dr. Xiangyu Meng PFT 2356 [email protected] 

 Suprun Suprun, Jared


Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Dr. Shuangqing Wei ERAD 369  [email protected] 
SamerTahboub, Samer


Automatic Control

Dr. Xiangyu Meng PFT 2356 [email protected] 
vuVu, Duc Long

System: Communication & Signal Processing, and Computer

Dr. Shuangqing Wei ERAD 369 [email protected] 
BaoruiWang, Baorui


Automatic Control

Dr. Guoxiang Gu PFT 2356 [email protected] 
 HuaizhiWang, Huaizhi Electronics Dr. Jian Xu EE 322 [email protected] 
PengzhaoWu, Pengzhao Control Dr. Xiangyu Meng PFT 2356 [email protected] 
TongyaoWu, Tongyao Electronics Dr. Kidong Park EE 102-E [email protected] 
Ya ZhangZhang, Ya Electronics Dr. Jian Xu EE 322 [email protected]