Mission, Vision, Values


Fostering an environment of engagement, collaboration, and success for students, faculty, and staff while empowering the FPO team to excel in meaningful work that significantly contributes to the LSU community. By embracing change, acquiring new knowledge, and leveraging insights, FPO strives to enhance LSU’s academic objectives as we achieve our strategic objective to build and maintain facilities, ensuring a thriving and dynamic campus experience for all.


To be a pioneering leader in campus facility management and development, setting a benchmark for excellence in higher education. We aspire to create a future where our facilities exceed the evolving needs of the LSU community. Through innovation, sustainability, and engagement with the LSU community, we aim to transform our campus into a globally recognized model of collaborative leadership, adaptability, and student-centric design.


  • Engagement: We value collaboration and open dialogue that supports a productive, respectful working environment.
  • Accountability: We are stewards of LSU’s physical resources and are committed to integrity in all operations.
  • Community Focus: We design and maintain spaces that support academic success and campus well-being.
  • Responsiveness: We act swiftly and professionally to meet the needs of our campus stakeholders.