Graduate Students

Alex AabergAlex Aaberg - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Biology & B.S. Psychology, Iowa State University
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Forensic Anthropology, Victim Identification, Human Osteology, Skeletal Trauma, and Forensic Taphonomy



EAEmmanuel Adeniyi - MS Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Surveying & Geoinformatics, Federal University of Technology Akure
Advisor: Dr. Lei Wang
GIS, Hydrography, Cartography, Mapping

lsuKelvin Asare - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Archaeology & Information Studies, University of Ghana
MPhil Archaeology, University of Ghana
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Ghanian Archaeology, GIS, Remote Sensing, Heritage Studies, and Landscape Archaeology

Basant Awasthi Basant Awasthi - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.S. Geomatics, Kathmandu University
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng

Kane AguilaKelsey Lauren Bagwell - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.A. Anthropology, Mississippi State University
M.A. Anthropology, Georgia State University
Advisor: Dr. Robert Tague

BelangerAlexander Belanger - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.S. Anthropology, Eastern Michigan University
B.S. Sociology, Eastern Michigan University
MSc Human Osteology and Paleopathology, University of Bradford (United Kingdom)
Advisor: Dr. Juliet Brophy
Bioarcheology, Skeletal Biology, Human Osteology, Paleopathology, Prehistoric and historic artifact analysis, Human health and illness studies, Kinship patterns, social organizations 

Krista BennetKrista Bennett - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.A. Psychology, B.A. Anthropology, University of North Texas
M.A. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Forensic Anthropology, Skeletal Trauma, Osteology

thomas bergeronThomas Bergeron - MS Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Geographic Information Science (GIS) with a minor in Geography, Louisiana Tech University
Advisor: Dr. Michael Leitner
GIS, Geospatial Intelligence, Political Geography/Geopolitics, Information Warfare, and Human Conflict

Kane AguilaGabriella Boodhoo - MS Student
[email protected]
B.A. Anthropology, University of Central Florida
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim

alex broussardAlex Broussard - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Heather McKillop
Archaeology of the Maya and Neolithic era

CerquoneAlicia Cerquone - MS Student
[email protected]
B.S. Geography, SUNY, Geneseo
Advisor: Dr. Michael Leitner
GIS, impact of social infrastructure on crime, racial capitalism and urban decay

Reilly CorkranReilly Corkran - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.S. Geography, Georgia Southern University
Advisor: Dr. Jill Trepanier
Cultural Geography, climate change, extreme weather, coastal areas, environmental justice, historic preservation, and human-environment interaction

judas coteJudas Cote - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology with minors in English and Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, University of Connecticut
Advisor: Dr. Helen Regis
Catholocism, Indigeneity, Queerness, Power, Religious Music, New Religious Movements/Paganism, Music Subcultures

Georgia DavisGeorgia Davis - MS Student
[email protected] 
B.S. in Geography with concentration in Climatology, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Jill Trepanier
Climatology, Mapping, Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis

Hannah DerouenHannah Derouen - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Anthropology-Sociology, Millsaps College
B.S. Neuroscience & Cognitive Studies, Millsaps College
Advisor: Dr. Helena Moura Fietz
sport anthropology, gender, queerness, ritual, performativity, embodiment, and osteology

Gwendal DolouGwendal Dolou - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.S. Southern Brittany University, France
M.S. Bordeaux University, France
Advisor: Dr. Kristine DeLong
paleoclimate reconstruction, corals reefs, climate change

CDCamille Wilthew Dupuis - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Heather McKillop
Archaeology, Material Culture, Cultural Anthropology, 3D Imaging & Curation

Jordan FazioJordan Fazio - MS Student
[email protected]
B.S. Environmental Science/Natural Sciences, University of West Florida
Advisor: Dr. Jill Trepanier & Dr. Barry Keim

Emily FisherEmily Fisher - MS Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Environmental Science - Natural Sciences, University of West Florida
Advisor: Dr. Jill Trepanier
GIS, remote sensing, spatial analysis, climate risks

hannah fitchHannah Fitch - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Anthropology, University of Kentucky
Advisor: Dr. Robert Tague
Skeletal Anthropology, Forensic Anthropology, Bioarchaeology, Paleopathology

Vanessa ForemanVanessa Foreman - MS Student
[email protected]
B.G.S. with minors in Geography and Health at University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Advisor:  Dr. Michael Leitner
GIS and Health & Medical Geography

Margaret FurtnerMargaret Furtner - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.A. DePauw University
M.A. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Juliet Brophy
Paleoanthropology, Remote Sensing, GIS, Machine Learning, 3D Imaging, Osteology, Dental Anthropology

maby gavilan abantoMaby Gavilan Abanto - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Environmental Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konseor
Water Science, Hydroinformatics

Aliya GodoyAliya Godoy - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology, Fort Lewis College
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Biological Profile Analysis, Biocultural Anthropology, Victim Identification

Janique GrayJanique Gray - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology, University of New Orleans
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine

SK Groll SK Groll - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.A. Case Western Reserve University
M.A. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Mary Jill Brody
Sociocultural and public anthropology, ethnography of social movements, political economy, geography of resistance, politics of education, medical anthropology, body ideals, gender, sexual health, adolescent cultures

Leo Guerrero AsmadLeo Guerrero - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.S. Civil Engineering, Universidad de Piura
M.S. Water Resources, Universidad de Piura
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
Fluvial geomorphology, river morphodynamics, numerical modeling, large rivers, Amazonian rivers

Amy HairAmy Hair - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.A. Michigan State University 
M.A. The University of Southern Mississippi 
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Bioarchaeology, Maya Archaeology, Histology, Labor and Subsistence Patterns, Geographic Information Sciences, and Social Bioarchaeology 

kelly hinoteKelly Bezdek Hinote - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology, Louisiana State University
M.Ed. School Counseling, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Helen Regis
Menopause/Perimenopause, Women's Lived Experiences, Generational Differences, Medical and Biological Experiences for Women

Dwayne Hinton Dwayne Hinton - PhD Student
[email protected]
A.A Baton Rouge Community College
A.S. Baton Rouge Community College
B.A. Louisiana State University
B.A.M.C. Louisiana State University
B.I.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Heather McKillop
                                          Maya Archaeology, Underwater Archaeology, 3-D Imaging, Drones, Louisiana Mounds, Wood Identification, Botany

reagan hoehlReagan Hoehl - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.S. History, Liberty University
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
Archeology, Lithics, Paleolithics

HooverCorey Hoover - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.S. Anthropology, Geography, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
M.S. Cartography and GIS, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Advisors: Dr. David Chicoine & Dr. Kristine DeLong
Andean Archaeology, Networks, GIS Development, Remote Sensing, and Environmental Archaeology

Tanvir HossainTanvir Hossain - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Urban & Regional Planning, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
M.S. Environmental Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
M.S. Agricultural Economics, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Michael Leitner                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GIS, Remote Sensing, Mapping, Hydrography

Rodney HughesRodney Hughes - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.F.A Pratt Institute
M.A. Union Theological Seminary
Advisor: Dr. Joyce M. Jackson
African spiritual traditions in the Americas, shamanic praxis, ritual artifacts, and performance, comparative mystical and ecstatic traditions, deification,biblical prophecy, and social justice

mojo islamMd Muzahidul Islam - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Geology and Mining, University of Barishal, Bangladesh
M.S. Geology and Mining, University of Barishal, Bangladesh
M.S. Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Coastal hydrology, fluvial geomorphology, numerical modeling of river and river delta hydro-morphodynamics, hydrogeology, GIS, and remote sensing

Hannah J JohnsonHannah J. Johnson - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Anthropology, The University of Iowa
Advisor: Dr. Juliet Brophy
Paleoanthropology, Osteology, Functional Morphology, Stone Tool Production and Use, Multivariate Analysis, Morphometrics

Miracle JohnsonMiracle Johnson - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.A. Louisiana State University
B.S. Louisiana State University
MBA Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Joyce Jackson
Socialcultural and business anthropology, African American culture, identity and racial inequality

Julia JohnstonJulia Johnston - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.A. in Anthropology, University of Notre Dame
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Bioarchaeology, Osteology, Paleopathology, Trauma, Museum Collections

Charlotte JonesCharlotte Jones - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.S. Urban Studies and Regional Planning, University of New Orleans
M.A. Tulane University
Advisor: Dr. Sarah Franzen
Historical Anthropology, human-environment interaction, multispecies ethnography, historical geography, heritage management, Mississippi River Valley, animal studies, Gulf Coast

miles jordanMiles Jordan - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Communication - Digital Media, University of Louisiana Monroe
M.F.A. Photography & Alaska Native Arts, University of Alaska
Advisor: Dr. Joyce Jackson
Pre & post-Katrina culture through the Katrina generation, culture similarities between Louisiana & Alaska, and Malcom X's photography & Civil Rights Photography as a whole

Marisa Karpinski Marisa Karpinski Gordy - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.S. University of Delaware
M.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim
Tornado climatology, natural hazards, risk perception, geographic vulnerability, climate literacy

Manisha K CManisha K C - MS Student
[email protected] 
B.E. Geomatics Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng
Remote Sensing, GIS, Digital Image Processing, Spatial Analysis, Photogrammetry & Agriculture

Mat KeelMat Keel - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected] 
B.A. Geography, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
M.A. Geography, University of California, Los Angeles
Advisor: Dr. Helen Regis
Race, Trauma, Nature, Art, Ethnography, Film

Hyunjoong Kim Hyunjoong Kim - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.S. Anyang University, South Korea
M.S. Anyang University, South Korea
Advisor: Dr. Fahui Wang
Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Simulation Model, Spatial Disparity, Spatial Statistical Analysis Method

sudeep kuikelSudeep Kuikel - MS Student
[email protected] 
B.E. Geomatics Engineering, Kathmandu University
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng
GIS, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry, Spatial Analysis, Precision Agriculture, and Disaster Risk Management

dawson lambDawson Lamb - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology, University of Tennessee Knoxville
M.A. Anthropology, Georgia State University
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Foresnic Anthropology, Skeletal Age Estimation

anthony lanfranchiAnthony Lanfranchi - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Applied Forensic Sciences, Concentration in Forensic Anthropology, Mercyhurst University
M.S. Forensic and Biological Anthropology, Mercyhurst University
Advisors: Dr. Juliet Brophy & Dr. Ginesse Listi
Skeletal Trauma Analysis, Forensic Taphonomy, Functional Morphology, and 3D Scanning

Jiyoung LeeJiyoung Lee - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.A. Sungshin Women's University
M.A. Sungshin Women's University
Advisor: Dr. Michael Leitner
GIS, Geo visualization, Interactive map, Geospatial big data analysis, Remote Sensing

Hanqi Li Hanqi Li - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.S. Northeast Forestry University
M.S. Wuhan University
Advisor: Dr. Fahui Wang
Spatial data analysis, applications of GIS in public health

sonnet mandellSonnet Mandell - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology with a minor in International Studies, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
3D Imaging, Bioarchaeology, Biocultural Anthropology, Paleoanthropology, Material Culture, Primatology, and Osteology

Heidi MayeauxHeidi Mayeaux - MA Student
B.A. Psychology, Southeastern Louisiana University
B.A. Criminal Justice, Southeastern Louisiana University
Advisor:  Dr. David Chicoine
Mesoamerican Archaeology, bioarchaeology, social structure, structural violence, paleobotany, ancient foodways 

cora mikolajczykCora Mikolajczyk - MS Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology, Texas Tech University
Advisor:  Dr. Andrew Sluyter
Southeastern Colonial Geography, Gulfcoast Archaeology, and GIS

sade millerSadé Miller - MS Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Geography, SUNY Oneonta
Advisor:  Dr. Kory Konsoer
Climate Migration, Natural Hazards, Human-Environment Interactions, Community Resilience

sarah millerSarah Miller - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.A. History & Liberal Arts with a concentration in Geography, McNeese State University
Advisor:  Dr. Heather McKillop
Maya Archaeology

conanmillsConan Mills - MA Student
[email protected] 
AAS Communications Application Technology, Community College of Air Force
AAS Information Resources Management, Community College of Air Force
B.A. Anthropology, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Digital Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology, Small Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (sUAS) uses in Archaeology


Benjamin MossBenjamin Moss - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.S. University of Oregon
M.A. Wichita State University
Advisor: Dr. Robert Tague
Human osteology and the cranium

Christopher Nicosia Christopher Nicosia - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.A. Suny Oneonta
M.S. Illinois State University
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Bioarchaeology, Skeletal Biology, Social Landscapes (i.e., Social Identity, Gender), Paleopathology, Mortuary Patterning, Diet

Tolulope OlowuTolulope Olowu - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Geography, Obafemi Awolowo University
M.S. Geography, Obafemi Awolowo University
Advisor: Dr. Steven Namikas
Coastal Hydrology, Catchment Interactions, Water Resources Evaluation, Climate Change Effects on River Systems

Erika OrnouskiErika Ornouski - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.A. California State University, Sacramento
M.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim
Atmospheric rivers, orographic precipitation, precipitation stable isotopes; planetary boundary layer processes, diurnal wind systems, wind energy; mountain, desert, and coastal meteorology; climate/water resources of the U.S. Southwest

Kylie PalmerKylie Palmer - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.S. Florida Gulf Coast University
B.A. Florida Gulf Coast University
M.S. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Advisor: Dr. Kristine DeLong
Paleoclimate reconstructions, conservation paleobiology, paleoecology, marine biology/ecology, coral reef ecology/biology, hurricanes, tropical climatology,  climate change

PattonBrett Patton - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.S. Biology, William Carey University
M.S. Renewable Natural Resources, LSU
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng

joe petersonJoseph Peterson - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology, University of New Orleans
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Social Complexity, Human Behavioral Ecology, and the Interface Between Tools and Cultural Evolution

hemanta pokharelHemanta Pokharel - MS Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Geology, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
River Morphodynamics, Geomorphology, Engineering Geology

mohammad rifatMohammad Arif Foysal Rifat - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Disaster Management, Dhaka University, Bangladesh
M.S. Disaster Management, Dhaka University, Bangladesh
Advisor: Dr. Sophie Moore
Urban Disasters and Climate Change

Kashif RustamaniKashif Rustamani - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.A. International Relations, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
M.Sc. Anthropology, Qauid i Azam University, Islamabad
MPhil Development Studies, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics
Laurea Magistrale, University of Florence, Italy
Advisor: Dr. Sarah Franzen
Delving into the intersection of development, politics, public health and agriculture sector; particularly how societies deal with social and climate change,                                                and how the changes in structures and policies impact local communities and poor in the global South

Bijaylaxmi SahooBijaylaxmi Sahoo - PhD Student
[email protected] 
B.S. Mathematics, Utkal University, India
M.S. Atmospheric Sciences, National Institute of Technology, India
M.S. Oceanography, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng
Remote Sensing, GIS, Numerical Modeling, Extreme Events, Climate Change, Land-Air-Sea Interaction

Sarah SeiboldSarah Seibold - MS Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Geography, LSU
B.A. Anthropology, LSU
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim
Dew Point Climatology, Extreme Weather, Climate Change

ShoemakerDylan Shoemaker - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.S. Earth Science, Iowa State University
M.A.T. Science Teaching, Iowa State University
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
Fluvial geomorphology, cutoff evolution, sediment transport and erosion, anthropogenic forcing in river systems

Sumaiya Siddique Sumaiya Siddique - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.S. University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
M.S. Geography, Auburn University, Alabama
Advisor:  Dr. Kory Konsoer
Numerical modeling of river hydro-morphology, sediment transport and deposition, hydrogeology, GIS and remote sensing

Brett Spencer Brett Spencer - PhD Candidate (ABD)
[email protected]
B.A. Kent State
M.A. University of New Orleans
Advisor: Dr. Andrew Sluyter
Historical geography of the Mosquitia (Honduras and Nicaragua), indigenous activism, urban geography, Central American Caribbean

mizbah srestoMizbah Ahmed Sresto - MS Student
[email protected] 
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (BURP), Khulna University of Engineering & Technology
Advisor: Dr. Xuelian Meng
GIS, Remote Sensing, Using Machine Learning Methods for Environmental Modeling

Student Kathleen Staebell picture Kathleen Staebell - MS Student 
[email protected]
B.S. Iowa State University
Advisor: Dr. Kory Konsoer
Numerical modeling of geomorphic systems, post-wildfire flooding, flood inundation mapping

Gillian StewartGillian Stewart - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology & Classical Civilizations, University of Pittsburgh 
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Human sacrifice, Bioarchaeology, Forensics, Taphonomy 

Arielle SuttonArielle Sutton - MS Student
[email protected]
B.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor:  Dr. Barry Keim

Derek Thompson Derek Thompson - PhD Candidate (ABD)
B.S. Western Kentucky University
M.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Jill Trepanier & Dr. Vincent Brown
Meteorology, climatology, applied climatology, GIS, statistics, tropical cyclone size, heat

Madisyn VogtMadisyn Vogt - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.A. English & B.A. Anthropology with a minor in History, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Helen Regis
Cultural Anthropology, Ethnography of Muscular Femininity, Gender and Fitness Studies

evan wedgeworthEvan Wedgeworth - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Native American Archaeology, 3D Scanning, Cultural Anthropology, and Historical Anthropology

walker weindorfWalker Clemens Weindorf - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Geography & B.A. Spanish, Texas Tech University
Advisor: Dr. David Chicoine
Complex Societies, Cultural Anthropology, Archaeology

WhitenTori Whiten - MA Student
[email protected]
B.A. Anthropology, Criminology, LSU
Advisor: Dr. Robert Tague
Forensic Anthropology

WoldAmy Wold - MS Student
[email protected]
B.S. Journalism, Western Washington University
Advisor: Dr. Barry Keim

jeanne woodJeanne Wood - MA Student
[email protected] 
B.A. Anthropology & History, Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Juliet Brophy
Bone collections, 3-D Scanning, Hominin Dental Morphology

Yue Wu Yue Wu - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.S. Southwest Forestry University
M.S. Binghamton University
Advisor: Dr. Lei Wang
Spatial analysis, remote sensing in urban area, crime GIS, human-environment interaction

Skyler YakesSkyler Yakes - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.A. Anthropology, University of South Carolina
Advisor: Dr. Ginesse Listi
Skeletal trauma, paleopathology, age estimation

Lirong Yin Lirong Yin - PhD Student
B.S. University of Iowa
M.S. Louisiana State University
Advisor: Dr. Lei Wang 
Human and environment interaction, GIS

Yutian Zeng Yutian Zeng - PhD Student
[email protected]
B.S. Hainan University
M.S. East China Normal University
Advisor: Dr. Fahui Wang