Comparative Woman
Mission Statement
Comparative Woman in an online journal with the aim to create an environment that explores topics related to comparative literature through art and academic engagement from a multitude of perspectives. We seek to give artists and scholars a platform for reflecting on their thoughts and experiences according to each issue’s theme to present our readers with a wide range of unique and thought-provoking approaches to comparative literature.
New Spring 2024 Issue Live (Vol.2, Issue 2)!
Submission Guidelines
Whether traditional or experimental, we seek poets who wish to challenge: whether it be form or "the norm." Guidelines: must be original work not currently published elsewhere (five poems max).
We are looking for essays that explore intersections, connections, and relationships between national literatures, trends, and theories by women writers both in and outside of the traditional Western Literary Canon. Guidelines: must be original work not currently published elsewhere. We accept essays that are no more than 10,000 words. Notes should be formatted as endnotes after the text but before the list of cited works. Essays should be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document, double-spaced, 12-point font. Please submit no more than one essay.
We accept paintings, drawings, photography, sculptures, installations, video, and animation. However, please be aware that we are an online-only publication so submissions must be able to be displayed online either through upload, photo, or video. Please submit photos as med-res JPEGs and links are acceptable for video/film/animation submissions. Please include an artist statement with your work at no less than 150 words and no more than 750 words. Please submit only one collection at a time.
We are looking for creative reviews and interviews about women and LGBTQ+ poets, writers, and artists ranging from well-known all the way to underground. We want to know what is important to you and therefore essential for our readers to know.
We are also looking for peer reviewers, please contact [email protected]
for more details.
Submit on under the “Submit Article” tab on our website:
You can also email us your submission at [email protected].