Student Sustainability Fund (SSF)

Description & History

The Student Sustainability Fund (SSF) is a competitive grant program, dedicated specifically to fund projects that advance environmental sustainability on campus, such as increasing biodiversity, and/or eco-friendly technologies. Founded in 2016, LSU Student Body voted to establish the SSF for students, staff and faculty to utilize by submitting project proposals to the SSF Oversight Committee. The funds are allocated through tuition fees each semester. The fee is $2.00 per semester for fall and spring, and $1.00 in the summer. 

The SSF Oversight Committee is named after Robert "Ross" Ziegelasch, who was instrumental in establishing the SSF. The Ross Ziegelasch Sustainability Committee is organized by a student-led majority who reviews proposal submittals and approves projects based on the highest ranked applicants. LSU students, staff or faculty can submit a proposal that aligns with the SSF strategic goals and objectives. 

Proposal Timeline 

Proposals are accepted from August through December of each calendar year and awarded in February of the following year through a majority student-led committee that reviews proposal submittals and approves projects based on the highest ranked applicants.  

Proposal submittals are currently closed. The SSF committee will start accepting new proposals in August of 2024.

Please contact the Student Sustainability Committee at [email protected] for any questions you may have regarding project eligibility or the proposal process.

How to Submit a Proposal

What Has Been Funded So Far?

SSF Strategic Goals 

Strategic Goal 1:

Foster the development of environmentally sustainable projects and initiatives on campus to ensure that future students will have the same or better resources, opportunities and experiences as prior generations.

Objective 1.1. Enable collaboration among all departments, organizations, and stakeholders (e.g., current students, prospective students, faculty, staff, alumni, governmental agencies, non-profits, private businesses, and the public) to achieve, educate, support, and promote environmental sustainability at LSU.

Objective 1.2. Bolster existing sustainable practices put in place by various campus entities through educating stakeholders on these programs’ existence and their successes.

Objective 1.3. Provide opportunities for students to receive real-world experience in issues and initiatives related to environmental sustainability, as well as research and project management skills, to further professional development and leadership proficiency.

Objective 1.4. Provide incentives for sustainable practices by students and student organizations on campus.

Objective 1.5. Form partnerships with peer institutions to learn and share best practices.

Strategic Goal 2:

Incorporate environmental sustainability in all facets of LSU, including campus operations, activities, and infrastructure.

Objective 2.1. Reduce waste, with a goal of becoming a zero-waste campus, while improving recycling and investing in other “zero waste” practices, such as composting.

Objective 2.2. Reduce energy use through energy efficiency upgrades to campus buildings and installation of renewable energy systems.

Objective 2.3. Reduce water use through water-smart landscaping and the installation of efficient appliances and fixtures.

Objective 2.4. Invest in sustainable transportation practices to enable students, faculty and staff to bike, walk, carpool, and use buses in order to lessen the use of private vehicles.

Objective 2.5. Promote a more sustainable, healthier food system on campus through sustainable and/or local sourcing, promoting energy-efficient food products, encouraging the use of reusable containers, and reducing food waste via donations or composting.

Strategic Goal 3:

Ensure that the natural resources on and surrounding campus are protected for future generations.

Objective 3.1. Take the necessary actions for LSU to do its part to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the carbon footprint of the university.

Objective 3.2. Install green infrastructure systems to improve water quality and reduce stormwater runoff.

Objective 3.3. Partner with local municipalities and state agencies to make the entire region more sustainable.

SSF Bylaws

Read the Student Sustainability Bylaws passed by Student Government.