Graduate Programs

Engineering Students That Win

The LSU College of Engineering offers a range of graduate programs designed to prepare students for leadership roles in engineering, research, and industry. Our programs also place a strong emphasis on innovation, practical application, and interdisciplinary collaboration. As a graduate student here, you'll have the opportunity to work with world-class faculty in state-of-the-art facilities while addressing real-world challenges in a variety of engineering fields.


General Application Deadlines:

Student Classification Fall 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025
U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents June 30 November 15 May 1
International Students April 15 October 1 April 15
Non-Degree Students August 23 January 17 May 16

These due dates are established by the LSU Graduate School.

LSU Online has established their own set of deadlines for each term. Visit the LSU Online website for more information.

You can also see resources for the Flagship Assistantship Program and Financial Assistance.

Graduate Areas of Study

Students examine a petri dish

Application Deadlines:

Due dates are the same as those listed at the top of the page established by the LSU Graduate School.


March 15 (Fall)

October 15 (Spring)

BE Graduate Program

Biological Engineering

  • Master’s in Biological and Agricultural Engineering
  • PhD in Biological Engineering


Our graduate program is one of the premier national programs in biological and agricultural engineering. Over the past few years, our department has had significant growth in nanotechnology, biotechnology, and biomedical engineering concentrations to expand our traditional agricultural and coastal engineering emphasis. An increasing number of young and active mid-level professors, winners of major national awards, work to continue to grow significant programs, garner large grants, and author excellent articles and books. Some of the best students in the country join our program. Our graduate program is an excellent choice for students interested in working with some of the finest scientists and engineers in their fields, as well as enjoying the unique culture and cuisine Louisiana has to offer.


Student checking gauges

Application Deadlines:

April 1 (Fall Financial Aid)

May 15 (Fall General Deadline)

October 15 (Spring)


ChemE Graduate Program

ChemE Graduate Program Video

Chemical Engineering

  • Master’s in Chemical Engineering
  • PhD in Chemical Engineering


LSU Chemical Engineering is recognized as a strong educational and research unit, both regionally and nationally. During the past five years, the department has averaged seven PhD graduates per year and 10 master’s graduates per year. Enrollment averages 55 students, with 80% of those being PhD candidates, and the overall quality of entering students is the highest of any department at LSU. The department is consistently among the top in the nation in sponsored research. Funding is through external grants and contracts from federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, state sources, and private (corporate) sources. Part-time students are welcome. For the convenience of those working in nearby industry, key graduate courses are offered in the early evening. Students are encouraged to develop programs to meet their particular interests. Areas of specialization include energy engineering, environmental engineering, biochemical engineering, advanced computations, process systems engineering, catalysis, and materials engineering.


For more information or general inquiries, contact Frank Blystad at [email protected].



Using a dropper into a petri dish

Application Deadlines:

Due dates are the same as those listed at the top of the page established by the LSU Graduate School.


CEE Graduate Program

CEE Virtual Graduate Recruitment

Civil Engineering &
Environmental Engineering

  • Master’s in Civil Engineering
  • Master’s in Civil Engineering With Emphasis in Transportation Engineering (Online)
  • Master’s in Coastal and Ecological Engineering
  • PhD in Civil Engineering


Our graduate students gain firsthand knowledge and hands-on experience in the design, installation, and maintenance of the infrastructure systems essential for development of modern societies and coastal subsidence projects crucial for the resilience of Louisiana and other coastal regions. They also use the principles of engineering, biology, chemistry, and physics to address environmental challenges, such as waste disposal, water treatment, recycling, pollution control, and public health. Areas of specialization include coastal and ecological engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical and geophysical engineering, mechanics of material behavior, structural engineering, transportation engineering, and water resources engineering.


For more information or general inquiries, contact Graduate Coordinator Tori Young at [email protected].

Students working on a computer

Application Deadlines:

For regular admission with full financial consideration:

October 1 (Spring) and January 15 (Fall)

Final deadlines for late admission:

May 15 (Fall) and October 15 (Spring)

CS Graduate Program

CS Online Graduate Certificate

Computer Science

  • Graduate Certificate in Cloud Computing and Machine Learning (Online)
  • Master’s in Computer Science
  • PhD in Computer Science

The Division of Computer Science and Engineering offers both a Master of Science and PhD in Computer Science. Our graduate program is designed to be flexible in order to provide our students with opportunities to take courses and do research in both core and applied/interdisciplinary areas. There are currently about 100 students, roughly evenly split between the MS and PhD programs. Additionally, our graduate program is in the top 30 nationwide, according to the latest National Research Council ranking.


For more information or for general inquiries, contact Graduate Coordinator Brandon Trouard at [email protected].

Professor and students working with concrete

Application Deadlines:

Due dates are the same as those listed at the top of the page established by the LSU Graduate School.


CM Graduate Program

CM Online Graduate Programs

Construction Management

  • Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Construction Management (Online)
  • Master of Science in Construction Management (In-person and Online)
  • PhD in Construction Management


The construction management graduate program is designed to blend engineering, business, and construction management concepts together to produce a professional graduate who can manage complex construction processes effectively and efficiently. CM graduate students will have an in-depth education in state-of-the-art construction specializations, including sustainable construction, hazard management construction, building information modeling, decision-making, and advanced productivity. There are four focused research areas: advanced materials and sustainability, building science for disaster-resistant communities, built environment informatics, and capital facility management.


For more information or general inquiries, contact Graduate Coordinator Chao Wang at [email protected].

Student plugging in cables to console

Application Deadlines:

  • U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens: November 15 (Spring) and July 15 (Fall);
  • International Students:  June 17 (Fall) and October 1 (Spring)
  • Non-Degree Students:  July 15 (Fall) and November 15 (Spring).


ECE Graduate Programs

Electrical & Computer Engineering

  • Master’s in Electrical Engineering
  • PhD in Electrical Engineering


The Division of Electrical and Computer Engineering is a leader in research, teaching, and service in a field that is crucial to the world’s economy. It is the largest and most active electrical and computer engineering division at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in Louisiana. It offers both a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering and has 24 full-time faculty who are leading experts in their fields, providing hands-on research experience and mentoring you throughout your graduate studies. Our graduate students consistently receive job offers with salaries above the national average and are working at companies such as Google, Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Qualcomm, Garmin, Entergy, and numerous universities in the United States and abroad.


For more information or for general inquiries, contact Graduate Coordinator Yao Zeng at [email protected].

Collaborating on a sticky note flowchart

Application Deadlines:

Due dates are the same as those listed at the top of the page established by the LSU Graduate School.


IE Graduate Program

IE Online Graduate Programs

Industrial Engineering

  • Online Graduate Certificates (Healthcare Analytics and Healthcare Systems Engineering)
  • Master’s in Industrial Engineering (In-person and Online)
  • PhD in Industrial Engineering


The path to a graduate degree in industrial engineering takes many shapes and forms. Students with backgrounds in engineering, math, and other undergraduate degrees can successfully achieve their career goals. The graduate programs in industrial engineering develop skills to tackle immediate challenges across multiple industries and provide a basis for graduates to advance professionally. While building a wide knowledge of industrial engineering, students can focus on several areas, including ergonomics and human factors, healthcare, supply chain systems, and information technology engineering. Graduates have the ability to identify, design, and execute industrial engineering projects and research, and they pursue careers in academia, research, industry, and government.


For more information or for general inquiries, contact Graduate Advisor Isabelina Nahmens at [email protected].

Teacher and student working on quad copter

Application Deadlines:

April 1 (Summer and Fall)

October 1 (Spring)


ME Graduate Program

Mechanical Engineering

  • Master’s in Mechanical Engineering
  • Accelerated Master’s of Mechanical Engineering,
  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering


Our mechanical engineering graduate program prepares students to research, design, develop, build, integrate, and test mechanical and thermal/flow devices and systems, including sensors, tools, engines, and machines of all kinds. Mechanical engineers design and oversee the manufacture of many products, ranging from medical devices to new batteries. They also design and engineer the maintenance of both power-producing and power-consuming machines. They typically design/redesign devices or systems with the aid of engineering analysis and design tools to solve particular problems; investigate, diagnose, and fix equipment failures/problems; develop and test prototypes; analyze test results; change designs and/or systems as needed to fulfill their purpose; and oversee manufacturing processes. Modern mechanical engineers are expected to take a leading role in the digital transformation, which is already underway in many industrial sectors. Mechanical engineers can often cover what other engineers do because of the breadth of this engineering field. Strategic research areas include application areas, such as energy, manufacturing, and biotechnology; and technical areas like materials, robotics, and systems (thermal/fluid, mechanical, aero).

For more information or for general inquiries, contact Graduate Coordinator Elise Bridgewater at [email protected].

PERTT lab aerial shot

Application Deadlines:

February 15 (Fall)

October 1 (Spring),


PETE Graduate Program

Petroleum Engineering

  • Master’s in Petroleum Engineering
  • PhD in Petroleum Engineering


The Craft & Hawkins Department of Petroleum Engineering offers both a Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering and a Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering. There is a minimum core requirement of credit hours—18 for the MS and 21 for the PhD—in drilling, production, formation evaluation, reservoir engineering, and engineering mathematics, as shown in the department’s Core Curriculum Requirements document. A secondary concentration area consisting of a six-hours-minimum of earned credit in a specified field of study may be required by the advisory committee. 


For more information or for general inquiries, contact Administrative Coordinator Janet Dugas at [email protected].

Student work on computersApplication Deadlines:

Due dates are the same as those listed at the top of the page established by the LSU Graduate School.



DMAE Master's Program

Digital Media Arts & Engineering

  • Master’s in Digital Media Arts & Engineering


Digital Media Arts & Engineering (DMAE) is an intensive two-year master's degree that employs a practice-driven approach to produce polished outcomes designed to meet industry needs. The courses explore cutting-edge developments in video games, interactive design, visual effects, and animation.

DMAE is located in the Digital Media Center on LSU's campus, a new state-of-the-art $29.3 million facility. Work with a diverse group of digital artists, programmers, musicians, and researchers who are here to help you develop your ideas into the future of media. Imagine, collaborate, create, develop, and surpass your wildest imagination.

For more information or general inquiries, contact Program Director Marc Aubanel at [email protected].

Photo of Capstone StairsApplication Deadlines:

Due dates are the same as those listed at the top of the page established by the LSU Graduate School.


Engineering Science Graduate Program

Engineering Science Program

  • Master’s in Engineering Science
  • PhD in Engineering Science


The Donald W. Clayton Graduate Program in Engineering Science allows students to pursue graduate study and research in interdisciplinary areas that cross two or more disciplines in different departments or in program areas not currently associated with an existing department.

The interdisciplinary program spans the fields of engineering, science, business, and even law. In principle, a program in study in almost any imaginable concentration area in engineering can be designed. In practice, many students have developed programs in one of six concentration areas: biological engineering, construction management, environmental and technological hazards engineering, information technology and engineering, materials science and engineering, and pre-engineering education.

For more information or general inquiries, contact Coordinator Vickie Hannan at [email protected].