Robert C. West and R.J. Russell Graduate Student Research Awards
Travel awards for Master and doctoral students in good standing in the Department of Geography & Anthropology to carry out thesis or dissertation research. For doctoral students, the award is intended for preliminary research as a pilot project that will lead to external funding. For Master students, the award is intended for thesis research. Students are encouraged to apply to NSF, Sigma Xi, and other agencies. Funds are limited and allowed only for travel (and not for stipends, supplies or equipment, assistants). Average awards have been $600. Student may receive one award during their degree program.
Upon completition of the research, a report (500 words and a photo of applicant doing research) is due Nov 1 (for March 1 awardees) or March 1 (for November 1 awardees). Awardees will be instructed to log on to the LSU award portal to register in order to receive the funds. The West and Russell applications will be reviewed by the G & A Research & Scholarship Committee who will notify the awardees.
Your application should include:
1. Cover sheet with student’s name, advisor, degree program, title of project, and amount requested, and statement that the student’s advisor has read and approved the proposal. The cover sheet also includes a section for project description, including goals and significance, methods, location of research, and description as well as a section for budget and itemizing travel costs. The cover sheet can be downloaded here.
2. References Cited: maximum one page
3. CV: maximum one page
For the budget justification, students should justify that they have found inexpensive travel options; state per-diem and gas mileage not allowed; use actual gas costs and food purchases, for example.
Application Deadline
Deadlines are March 1 and November 1 of each year. The March 1 deadline is for summer research. The November 1 deadline is for research over the winter break and spring.
How to Apply
Please email your cover sheet, one-page references cited, and one-page CV as a single pdf file to Dr. Heather Mckillop ([email protected]).