CSC 4402: Introduction to Database Management Systems
Human-Computer Interaction
Information Visualization
Digital Civics
Applied Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Social Computing
Yang, V., & Jasim, M. (2024). Animating the Narrative: A Review of Animation Styles
in Narrative Visualization. 2024 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 321-325.
Rashik, M., Jasim, M., Kucher, K., Sarvghad, A., & Mahyar, N. (2024, July). Beyond
text and speech in conversational agents: Mapping the design space of avatars. In
Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 1875-1894).
Jasim, M., Fatima, M., Sonni, S. R., & Mahyar, N. (2023, October). Bridging the Divide:
Promoting Serendipitous Discovery of Opposing Viewpoints with Visual Analytics in
Social Media. In 2023 IEEE Workshop on Visualization for Social Good (VIS4Good) (pp.
26-30). IEEE.
Mysore, S., Jasim, M., McCallum, A., & Zamani, H. (2023, July). Editable User Profiles
for Controllable Text Recommendations. In Proceedings of the 46th International ACM
SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (pp. 993-1003).
Jasim, M., Daneshzand, F., Carpendale, S., & Mahyar, N. (2023). A Qualitative Exploration
of People's Experiences on Social Media.
Jiang, Z., Rashik, M., Panchal, K., Jasim, M., Sarvghad, A., Riahi, P., ... & Mahyar,
N. (2023). CommunityBots: creating and evaluating A multi-agent chatbot platform for
public input elicitation. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1),
Mysore, S., Jasim, M., Song, H., Akbar, S., Randall, A. K. C., & Mahyar, N. (2023,
March). How data scientists review the scholarly literature. In Proceedings of the
2023 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (pp. 137-152).
Jasim, M., Collins, C., Sarvghad, A., & Mahyar, N. (2022, April). Supporting serendipitous
discovery and balanced analysis of online product reviews with interaction-driven
metrics and bias-mitigating suggestions. In Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-24).
Baumer, E. P., Jasim, M., Sarvghad, A., & Mahyar, N. (2022, June). Of course it's
political! a critical inquiry into underemphasized dimensions in civic text visualization.
In Computer Graphics Forum (Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 1-14).
Jasim, M., Hoque, E., Sarvghad, A., & Mahyar, N. (2021, June). CommunityPulse: Facilitating
community input analysis by surfacing hidden insights, reflections, and priorities.
In Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 846-863).
2022: Best Paper Award, Eurographics Working Group Conference on Data Visualization.
2021: Computing for Common Good Fellowship, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
2021: Best Paper Award, Computer Supported Cooperative Worik and Social Computing
2021: Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, Designing Interactive Systems.
2018: Professor Victor Lesser Graduate Scholarship in Artifical Intelligence, University
of Massachusetts Amherst.
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